11- Liar

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I stood there. Stunned. My eyes were wide as I stared back at Adam. He just.....He kissed me. Before I could do anything he turned around and walked away, getting in his truck and driving away.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and touched my lips. Tingles and a confused Avery are what Adam left behind. 

I slowly backed away from the door and shut it. I now stood in front of the closed front door, with my fists clenched at my sides.

He can't just do that.

I grabbed my keys and opened my front door once again, and locked it behind me. It was a quiet ride to Adam's house. His truck was in the drive way and his bedroom light was off. I don't care if he was sleeping, he wouldn't be for long.

I pounded my fist on the front door and waited. I was actually pissed off. It was opened 2 minutes later. Adam stood there shirtless, in his blue pajama pants. His eyes met mine.

"You can't just do that," I said jabbing my finger into his chest. 

"I can't just do what?" He said not moving to let me in. 

"You can't just be mad at me and then drive to my house and kiss me, then leave. You can't just do that."

"And why not?" He asked.

"I got no explanation. Why the fuck would you kiss me?" I said moving my hands around.

"Because I like you. So yeah Molly was right. I do like you, doesn't excuse what she did but yeah. I'm a liar. So I lied earlier too, it wasn't because of Molly that I wanted to go home, it was because I was going to kiss you. I was curious to what my gift was so I went up on the roof and saw the fireworks. Molly would never do that for me. I mean it only said 'Happy 18th birthday Adam' but it still meant a lot to me. So I had to kiss you. I felt like I had to. So I did," He said searching my eyes for who knows what.

All I could do was frown and stare up at him. "How long have you liked me?" I asked staring down the pavement below my feet.

"Probably since the first time we met. I fell for you Avery. You can't tell me you didn't feel anything when I kissed you."

I met his intense hazel eyes once again and I knew my eyes gave it away. I did  feel something.

"Do you like me back?" He asked with hope in his eyes.

"I-I don't know," I stuttered.

Adam wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me to his chest and slowly put his lips on mine. He pulled back after some time and stared at me. 

"How 'bout now?" He asked. I just stared at him. "How about tomorrow I take you on a date?"

I slowly nodded and he gave me a small smile. He let go of me and I turned around and got back in my car. I drove back home and slept all my questions away.


I woke up to see my aunts face right in my face. "Go get ready, we need to talk," She said standing up and walking out of my room.

I got up and took a shower, then brushed my teeth. I put on some sofe shorts and a t shirt after I put on a sports bra and some underwear. I walked downstairs and sat next to my aunt in the living room.

"So I went on another date with that one guy..."

"Does 'that one guy' have a name?" I asked with a small smile. 

"Oh hush Avery, his name is Colin. Anyways, so the date was a total disaster, the waiter spilt red wine all over my dress, so we left earlier after Colin gave the manager a piece of his mind. Colin told me to take a shower and he would leave clothes on his bed for me. 

Well....When I got out of the shower, in the middle of me changing Colin walked in and I yelled at him. He said he found clothes from his sister, who had stayed there at one point. So one thing led to another and we slept together."

"I guess the date wasn't a complete disaster..." I muttered.

"I feel like a teenager again Av's," She said with a small smile. 

"So you think he could be the one?"

She slowly nodded. "When we kissed, which was for the first time. I felt all these tingles. It felt so right. I'm so happy Avery."

Once Aunt Charlie said tingles, my mind went to when Adam kissed me the first time. So then I blurted it out. "Adam kissed me yesterday."


"Yeah. It's a long story but after he kissed me he left. So I drove over to his house and said he couldn't do that. Just kiss me and leave. So he told me he liked me and asked if I liked him, I said I didn't know so he kissed me again. Now were going on a date today to see if I do like him. But Aunt Charlie I felt tingles  and now your saying that you think he's the one and you felt tingles when you kissed an-"

"Avery! Calm down. Did you really feel the tingles?"

I nodded searching her eyes for something. "I mean I could totally see you guy's going out. I could even see you two getting married. Hunny it's better to not freak out. You gotta calm down okay? Going on a date with him will be good."

I nodded and sighed leaning into the couch. "Boys." I said shaking my head.

"Boys is right." She said back.

"I gotta call Tessa. Don't worry I won't freak out again."

I went up to my room and dialed Tessa's name. As soon as she said 'hey' I said it.

"Adam kissed me yesterday."


995 words

Total word count- 11,720

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