12- Yes

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"Tessa," I said as she raided my closet. 

"Shut up I'm searching," She said and then walked out of my closet. "I'll be back, I'm grabbing things from my closet."

Then she left. It was now 5 pm and Adam texted me saying to wear something dressy, but not to dressy, and that he was picking me up at 6:30.

15 minutes later Tessa was back and pushed me into the bathroom to get dressed. When I walked it she gave me a nod and sat me down in front of my vanity and curled my hair. After that she did my make up, lightly I might add.

"Done." I turned around and smiled.

"Thanks Tess, I can always count on you," I said giving her a hug. It was already 6:20 when Adam called me. 

"Hey Avery I'm really sorry but I can't pick you up. This date is already a disaster. My car's in the shop and my cousin is here and is giving me a ride, but it's only a two seater and he won't let me use his car because he has to be in it. So I'm really sorry can you just meet me there? I'll text you the address."

"Yeah that's fine Adam, don't worry," I said.

"Alright I'll see you there."

With that the phone call ended and Tessa was staring at me. "I have to meet him there. Long story but I'm not mad so don't be mad Tess."

She nodded. "Well now I gotta help your aunt. I'll talk to you later Av, have fun." 

I got in my car and pulled into the restaurant parking lot. Adam was waiting at the front talking to some guy which I'm guessing was his cousin. 

"Hey Adam," I said once I was in front of him.

"Hey Avery, this is my jerk cousin, Jake." 

My eyes met Jake's brown ones and he gave me a smile. I shook his hand with a small smile. 

"You look great by the way." Adam said.

"Oh thanks, it's Tessa's work," I said laughing.

He laughed with me and we left Jake standing there, which he left as soon as we walked into the restaurant. 

We took our seats and Adam, being the gentleman he is, pulled my chair out for me. "Thank you," I said as he took his own seat.

"Again Avery, I'm really sorry that I couldn't pick you up. I-"

I cut him off, "Adam it's okay, I don't mind. It wasn't even your fault. Okay?"

"Okay," He replied biting his lip. I gave him a smile before turning my eyes to the menu. I ended up getting a 6 ounce sirloin with a baked potato. Adam got the same except his steak was an 8 ounce.

He made me laugh many times during our time in the restaurant. Sometimes people around us would give us dirty looks, which only made us laugh harder. 

"Psst. Avery," Adam whispered to me from across the small, round table.

"Yes Adam," I whispered back.

"What did the orange say to the banana?" He asked quietly giving me a serious look, "Orange you glad I didn't say banana."

"You're so corny Adam," I said covering my mouth, quieting my laugh. His face started turning red from the laugh he was holding in. I'm pretty sure my face looked the same.

When our food came all that had been going on, completely stopped. When you see food, everything just stops. I mean, it is food. 

I had only took one bite out of my steak when all my thoughts started playing through my head. I remembered all the fun times with Adam, and I re-assessed my feelings and realized I did like him....I just never realized my feelings weren't what I thought they were. 

So I lifted my head and looked at Adam who was un-consciously sticking out the tip of his tongue in concentration for cutting his steak into the perfect piece.

"Yes," I said.

Adam lifted his eyes to mine and then lifted his head with a confused look.

"Yes I like you," I stated.

I watched as he froze and slowly set his silverware down on his plate. His confused look settled and then a big smile broke out on his face.

"Really?" He said with hope in his eyes.

"Really," I confirmed, nodding.

"So does this mean you'll be my girlfriend even if this is only a first date."

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."

If it was possible, his grin got bigger but then he cleared his throat.

"No. I have to officially ask you, in a romantic way."

I nodded my head with an amused smile. He took the red rose out of the tiny vase in the middle of the table. He got down on one knee in front of me and I heard people gasp.

I think they thought he was proposing. I let out a giggle at that. "Avery Reed, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend."

I heard the disappointed sighs of people and let out another giggle. "Yes Adam Hill, I would love to be your girlfriend. Now get back in your seat and let's finish eating." I said taking the rose he held out for me. 

So we finished eating and I ended up taking the rose with me when he payed. I waited with Adam outside as he waited for his cousin. 

"You know, red roses are my favorite," I said twirling the rose in my hand.

"Really? Got any other favorites?"

"Hmmm. I like tulips, but my ultimate favorite, instead of red roses, I also love white roses."

"I'll remember that," He said with a big smile. His eyes dropped to my lips before he looked up at my eyes again. "Can I kiss you?"

I slowly nodded and he leaned in and did what he asked. We broke apart by the sound of Jake's voice.

"Ay love birds! Come on Adam I gotta get back to my girl."

Adam turned to me and rolled his eyes. He pecked my lips before saying bye. I walked to my car holding the rose tightly in my hand. 

I looked at the time on my radio and was surprised that it was almost 9. I turned the key in the ignition and went on the road.

I fiddled with the radio and the red light and when I saw the florescent red light turn green out of the corner of my eyes and moved my eyes back to continue my way home. I couldn't wait to be in my own bed.

But apparently god had other ideas because the next thing I knew my car was upside down and all I felt was pain....

Excruciating pain.


1103 words

Total word count- 12,823


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