May Khan's life was always pretty normal, but with final exams, prom and graduation looming around the corner, she didn't care much for anything except for getting out of high school. On her eighteenth birthday, however, her entire life changes. Aft...
I was so SO SO SO SO happy with all the comments and votes in the last chapter that I wanted to put up the next chapter up early for you all!!! It's a short chapter, but an important one! =D
Please comment and vote just like last time to let me know what you think!! Also, don't forget to Follow me if you're enjoying the story!! =D
Luckycharms <3
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I did not need to pick my flashlight back up because the body had a strange glowing mist covering it. A mist that was glowing a strange but beautiful blue-ish white colour. I was afraid to go to it, but after standing there for a short while, gawking at what I saw, I took a couple steps towards it.
It was in no way the kind of body I expected to see.
It was no mummy. There were no bandages. There wasn't even a sarcophagus for crying out loud.
Instead... there was a bed made of stone and on top of it was a mattress.
And on top of the mattress was a man.
I swallowed hard, stepping closer only to see a remarkably handsome man with his eyes shut in sleep. He had chiseled features and a strong looking body, and in his sleep he looked peaceful.
He had his hands crossed over his chest, as a mummy would, with his whip in one hand and the flail in another. He was also wearing the shendyt of a Pharaoh as well as a lot of gorgeous jewelry.
He was just lying there.
Not moving.
Not even breathing.
I stood there, not knowing what to do.
So I rushed back to where I was standing before and grabbed the flashlight. I pointed it at the walls and started to try and figure out what on earth was happening here.
This man was Akhenatem... sealed shut in this tomb for thousands of years, but not dead. He wasn't dead... or at least he didn't look dead. No, I was sure he wasn't dead.
He looked too pretty to be dead.
I didn't know what was going on but my best guess was that he was given the chance to be reunited with May... and what Akhenatem said in his note... about handing his flesh and bones to me and doing what was right to make May happy?
Well, I think he was referring to the fact that I had to figure out how to wake him up, bring him out of this tomb anf back to May.
I stood there and read the hieroglyphs to the best of my capability trying to figure out what I had to do. But from what I read, there was nothing. These were classic resurrections spells, spells I studied while getting my Masters in Egyptology... nothing unique to the current situation I was dealing with.