How to Tell Your Parents

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One of the first things that runs threw our head when we see that positive sign is how are we going tell anyone? We can't just come out and say "I'm pregnant!" It's to touchy of a subject. The first person I told was my boyfriend, now fiancée, and man was that hard. How do you tell someone that they will now forever have connection.

I told my boyfriend that I was pregnant while we were living with his parents. I was in the bathroom sitting on the toilet for what seemed like a hour before he knocked on the door. I couldn't just tell him to go away, he was going to find out soon or later. All I could do when he opened the door was hand him the test and pray to be anywhere else. To my surprise he lifted me from the seat and give me a big hug.

I had watched all those teen mom shows and seen how the guys don't always work. Yet here he was hugging me telling me we will make it through this. To know you have that support seems to just lift a little of that weight off your shoulders.

The best way to tell the dad would have to be as soon as you can. Even if you don't want the child he has a right to know. Don't wait very long. If that's giving him it in a card, telling him like I did or just sitting him down. I don't recommend the phone call or texting.

But that's only one obstacle. Next comes the parents.

Oh one of the scariest parts of the whole thing. We know that they want the best and to them this will only hold you back. The way I told my parents I do not recommend.

I went to the doctors and got the first ultra sound picture. I sent her the picture with the text "uuummmm" Well lets just say I got a phone call with my mom crying... Not good..

I let my boyfriend tell his parents. He used the simple method. He pulled them in a room to sit down and just said it and waited for the comments. Thankfully his family was full of teen moms so no one could really say anything. Plus we both already had graduated high school so we were already ahead of them in life.

When it comes to telling parents, my boyfriends way is the best. Sit down and tell them in person. They will say things and may make you feel stupid but they will come around. My dad didn't talk to me for two months before coming around. Just remember things happen for a reason and nothing is a accident.

Please if anyone has their own stories or ideas on future tips let me know.

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