Family Drama

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We all know how the inlaws can be! We hear the awful mother in law and how weddings can difficult and family life stressful. But did you know there is family drama in pregnancies too?? Shocker, I know right!

Let me just tell you. New Grandmas can be VERY overbearing! "Are you feeling ok? Do you need anything? Can I rub your belly? IS he/she kicking? Can I buy more clothes?!?! Can I go to the doctors with you?" It gets really annoying fast.

I am one where I don't like my belly rubbed like a budha sooo... lets just say that didn't fly. It's a thug you really can't get away from and just have to deal with to a certain point. Your hormones are already bad enough, the stress of being bugged makes your nerves shoot up even more.

The thing I learned was to take a breather and tell them what was bothering me. It took awhile for some to get the final hint but once they did it made home life easier. Moms worry so much with their children already, add a change such as pregnancy and they go crazy.

My mom wasn't the bad one, it was my mother in law. She would bug me everyday, come knock on the door to see if I was ok or if the baby was here yet. I never got any alone time and had to worry about he constant calls.

She would give me all the old wives tales that were never true and would snatch things from me if she felt I shouldn't eat them. It was crazy until the fifth time my fiancé and I told her enough.

We laid down the ground rules for when our son got here and how it was going to be while I was in labor so that nothing drama would start there.

Besides the bugging we had the jealousy of who got to see him or hold him more, who got to go to where with me. And the endless amount of clothes from everyone trying to get him his going home outfit. It's crazy.

I know this chapter was short but I wanted everyone to know to be prepared in case. You get a grandma-zilla like I did!!

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Thanks for reading, talk to you again in the next chapter.

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