Night on the town!

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So we all hear the saying "Once you have a kid your life is over.." That could be true or false depending on how you look at it. Having a child holds back some things like going to the movies all the time, having a big party. But you can still do all that if you have a babysitter.

But to me I see it as a door that has opened to more things to do. I can go to a zoo and not feel weird or hang out with people and  have more to talk about. Its a friend you have for life!

But every mom and dad need a day off! So that's when it comes to a night on the town! I miss those days, seeing as we don't have a babysitter :(

Always make sure to take one before you have the baby and make sure to have some alone time. Its hard to have after you have a baby so its good to stock up on time before hand. I recommend to take one once a month after the baby at least. 

Its the best way to keep the conversation going, keep up to date with whats going on, and keep the spark there that may threaten to disappear with the stress of having a child.

Take a couple hours to spend away. Have someone you trust watch the baby and not worry about them.

I will warn you, the first time your away you will go CRAZY! Oh I went on a panic attack for four hours freaking out if he was ok or not.

I recommend maybe a movie, dinner, or walk in the park. Something you can enjoy together but not worry about much such as shopping. Take a breather, talk to you partner and give them your attention. 

After having a baby the attention goes straight to the baby and the spouse may get the baby blues, when they feel lonely that the baby gets all the attention. So when you go on the night out it is less stress on you and gives your partner the attention they want.

If your a single parent, take the time to go with your friends and get away. Now I am not saying leave all the time like one of the "teen mom's" from Teen mom 2 or 3 did but I am saying get away once and awhile!

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