The future

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So as a young mom, 30 and lower, we have a lot going on for us in the future. Career, raising our child, work. But one thing that all parents continue to ask us is, "What about your education?"

When most young adults have a child they don't go to college. They stop going to school and get the first job they can in order to put food in their children's mouths and be able to support the family. There is nothing wrong with that at all! 

But should they think maybe once they do get steady that they should go back? Most young moms that were in college then got pregnant do not go back. They stop going completly. The problem with that is most well paying jobs you have to have some form of higher education.

Its even worse for highschool moms, those who have a baby while in high school and drop out. McDonalds now requires a Diploma... Education is now becoming a big importance in our society and with the way things are going its coming down to that more and more jobs want that education. 

So should a young mom stay or go back to school? In the long run its better for them. Its better if you go back to school and grab that education while you can now rather then waiting or not going back at all and risking that chance. 

When I got pregnant I was in my first year of college. I stuck it out all the way till the end, one of my online classes even started when I was in labor! I pulled loans, FASFA (finacial aid), and made it so that I could not drop out. I signed up for all online classes and got my text books in advance. Yes, when I had my son I wanted to quite. I hated it, having to get up early to take classes, go to the school to take tests. 

I hated how I couldn't spend time with my son and when I did I hated how I felt I should be doing homework. Its stressful, but no one ever said it was easy. While I was pregnant I got dropped from two science classes because it was dangerous and they never refunded me my money or cleared my record. I felt alone. 

People would stare at me as I waddled between classes, walking really far in order to get from class to class in time. I had people I knew from high school that I hadn't seen in ages see me and look surprised to see my giant belly.

Its already proven that most students who take a semester off never go back... Its even higher percentage of those that do it when they have a child. Take it from me; its easier to go back to school when they are a couple months old rather than years. Try doing homework while chasing a two year old around who has a sharpie in their hand!!

School isn't for everyone, but it does make a difference, and can help out the family in later years when you have that two or four year degree under your belt; or maybe a high school diploma. 

Schools offer online classes now, some 100% (meaning even tests are from home) or some just 99% (tests are at school). Those help out more because you can go to school at 11pm if you want or 6am before the kids are up.

Some classes you can't take online but you can save those for later years or even when you know you can have a sitter. I am taking a gym class over the summer in order to be able to go to school while my sister is on summer break and can watch my son. 

School is one thing most moms don't think about when it comes to having a baby, but it can be a decision that changes the way your future plays out...

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