Rush the ring?

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An all American family is seen just as the song goes,

"Molly and Bobby sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.

First comes loves,

Then comes marriage,

Then comes a baby in the baby carriage..."

But what happens if we go out of order? Do we need to rush to get them in that order?

In my opinion no, the reason being is because why rush something that may or may not work. Yes I hear you, "Well if it wont work then why did you get pregnant?!?" We don't judge here ok? The thing is, what worked out before may not work later. The first year is the hardest because the first few months are bliss. You are enjoying eachothers company, you have plenty to talk about, you are just learning about eachother. But then once that phase is over with then it sets in that this could be forever, that this person is no longer a stranger but someone you may live with until you pass. Its a scary thought.

For instance, I got pregnant at the beginning stages of my relationship. If he thought it was hard enough just learning how I am on my periods once a month... man did he have a rude awakening when it came to it everyday all day for nine months! It was a huge toll on our relationship, argueing and sleepless nights because we were getting on eachothers nerves. 

Just because we had a baby coming didnt mean we were going to get married. No infact, it actually pushed it back so that we could get settled and see how we were with eachother after the baby was here. 

You will see, you actually change in attitude when you have someone that is depending on you to survive. Mama bears unite!

Our parents tried to push it, even got the paper work for us to sign so that way all we had to do was write our names and it would be done. But we stood against it. We didnt want to rush something that could end up being a huge mistake. 

As the months went by and our son was born, I noticed that things started going back to normal, some what, and thats when we decided to plan a date.  It just happened that it worked for us, I know a lot of couples who give up or get married during pregnancy and regret it later. 

Having a child out of wedlock, marriage, is frowned upon by some... but could you imagine putting your child through a divorce because you wanted to rush? 

Before you sign those papers, think, am I doing this out of love or out of a sense of duty. With the cost of a wedding alone, can you afford both the delievery and wedding? And is this to please society or you? 

If your religious and moral standards make you want it before the baby's born then that is fine, but first think it out. Talk with him and get his opinion before discussing with family.

Hope you all had an amazing christmas and a Happy new year! See you soon with more Tips on being young and pregnant!

Remember, if you have any requests or comments please message me! They are welcome!

All rights reserved, please don't steal my idea!


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