C Section

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So when I was pregnant all I did was think of a natural birth. Asked all the questions about it, prepare myself, and had my mind set that it would be a natural birth. Well then when I went into labor with my son, 12 hours of active labor we had to pick. 

Do we stop and wait till the next day or have a c section. 

The term Cesarian Section sounds scary. Someone cuting you open and taking the baby out. You have this big needle that goes in your back and makes you numb. And your always going to have this nasty on your stomach from it.

Well I am here to tell you, its not as bad as you think. I am deathly afraid of needles. Like pass out needle phobia. When they said to wait I almost laughed. That was the hardest 12 hours of my life so I was not doing that again. I told them to go ahead and do the c section. 

It was a bunch of nurses coming in to prep me, the guy with the needle (can not remember how to spell it) came in for me to fill out forms. It was crazy. Everyone was put out in the hall way except my fiance as we tried to talk to eachother and build the confidence.

They let me walk into the room, I still remember my heart pounding as I stumbled my way there. With the dress robe thing and them making me take out my contacts it was very disorienting. They had me sit on this cross looking bed and hunch over a pillow as the needle guy poked me three times. Two with a regular needle to numb the spot, which freakin hurt! That was no bee sting!

Then when he put the spinal tap in finally my hold body felt like it was asleep. It went all the way up to the middle of my breast as they moved my legs and body to the way they wanted me. If you have ever sat on your foot and it begins to tingle, thats what it felt like for me. 

The pulled the robe up and scrubbed my belly with the orange stuff they use when they are performing surgery. They put oxygen tubes in my nose, the ones you see on old people, to keep me breathing. All this felt like five minutes.

They had a sheet up that rested on my chest and went high enough the needle guy had to stand on his tippy toes in order to see. I could feel the pressure of the pulling of skin but not the actual pain of the needle when my OBGYN started. 

My fiance got to come in, sitting behind the curtain as he talked to me and tried to make me feel better. I was so loopy from the drugs they pumped in me that I was struggling to talk The spinal tap made me feel like someone sitting on my chest, making me breathe really slow.

All of this seemed so fast; one minute I am getting the spinal tap and ready, then they are working on me to get my son out. I still remember the needle guy saying he could see the head, making me super nervous. All I could manage to say was "Does he have hair." The guy smiled and looked at me. "A lot!" Next thing I knew was I suddenly felt completely empty. 

I neve experienced a moment where it felt like a pressure was released. My stomach seemed to sink suddenly. I laughed and looked at everyone saying "Oh my god I am so hungry." Next thing I know everyone is cheering and then started yelling how he was huge.

"Oh my god you gave birth to a toddler!"

"How did you concieve that!"

"He is huge!"

"We have a basketball player!"

"We have a football player!"

I looked at my fiance scared to death at what they were meaning, being a first time mom and everything. He stood up not think, "Sit back down!" The OBGYN yelled. Of course he did as he was told and sat next to me, a huge smile on his face as I could hear his foot tapping. A nurse pulled him around to see our son as the OBGYN asking if everything was ok.

Next thing I knew my fiance was bringing over what looked to be a blob of pink skin around for me to see. I tried to squint to see him. "Oh my why is he so fat!" Everyone laughed as he brought our son back to the nurses, kissing me on the forehead and telling me he would see me later. 

He left with our son, the needle doctor hooking up a new bag to my drip. "This may make you itch..." He warned as he pulled out his Iphone. I couldn't feel anything except my face feel like I has spiders crawling all over it. I kept slapping my face, with him warning me that I was going to pull one of the needles out. 

I just looked at the man and passed out. It wasn't a dream sleep more of one you get when your exhausted because the next thing I remember is that I am sitting up and listening to a nurse tell me a friend wanted to come in. They brought my son in and put him in my arms. He was so huge, born 10 pounds 8 ounces.

The whole process took an hour and a half when it only felt MAYBE 30 minutes.

After that I had bandages over my stitches that I had to pull of after a week. No bath for two weeks only showers. The pain I won't lie is horrible. I hear its actually worse then natural in a sense of movement. I couldn't lift, bend, or anything. To get out of bed or a chair was horrible.

It felt like a branding iron on my hips every time I moved. Even now it hurts sometimes depending on how I twist. 

I am not saying natural doesn't hurt. But having three friends who gave birth a month or two after me who all had natural, they felt bad for me. One of my friends ripped all the way down, which I will talk about in the next chapter. I am just saying c section is not an easy way out.

I will always have this small flap that seems to try and cover the scar and a pink scar hip to hip. It hurts some times and in a way, its dangerous to the uterus considering it was cut open and a thing was pulled out of the scar.

A friend of mine said they are going to try and just make a small incision and pull the baby from it. The skin would stretch and allow the baby to come out. I think I will deal with the bigger scar and not to think of what that would feel like.

I don't recommend recording it, some hospitals won't allow it, or eating anything heavy the day before or after the procedure. You may get sick!

Thank you for reading! 

We only have a few more chapters before its up! Please if you have any ideas let me know!!

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