Finding out the Gender

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When it comes to special moments it seems as girls we try to make it special. Our birthday, graduation, even holidays! Well whats more special then finding out what our little one is?!?

Finding out the Gender at Week 20 is one of the best feelings ever. You have waited five long months, dealt with all the sickness and hormones just for this one moment. Finally you will be able to paint that room, buy those clothes, pick names, or even just tell everyone else so they will stop asking!! 

When I found out my baby was going to be a boy it was one of the happiest moments. It made all the mess of first trimester disappear and finally be able to put a name to my child. We decided not to do anything fancy, just sit in the ultra sound room and have the lady tell us. My mom did record the whole thing, mind you its not allowed but she was able to stand behind her and do it anyways. 

There are many ways to make the big announcement, Such as:

The Cake:

Have your ultra sound tech give you the gender on a card in an envelope so you can't see it. Give that to the baker and have them dye the inside of the cake either pink or blue depending on the gender. That way when you cut in you can see what the gender will be!

The balloons

Looks really cute, haven't seen it very often. Have someone you trust get a thing of either pink or blue balloons and have them put in a cute box. Lift the lid and reveal the gender!

Guess game

This is fun because you make a game out of it. Keep the envelope locked away as everyone attempts to guess it if it will be a girl or boy, at the end of the party open and reveal who guessed right!


So many cute family pictures to tell the whole family if its a girl or boy! Of course you will already know but not why see every ones faces as they find out!


Have a trusted friend fill a neutral pinata with either pink or blue candy so when you smash it you will see! Its very cute!

Those are only a few! You can always google for more or even create your own!

We did a simple go to dinner and drop a hint kind of thing. We were talking about sports and what was on the Television at our local Buffalo Wild Wings when I made the comment, "Well, at least Chris will have a little football player to get him into the NFL." It was funny to watch it soak in and see everyone react when they finally got it!

But I will for sure make sure next time to do one of these cute announcements!

Thanks for reading!

All rights, ideas, and articles belong to me!


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