Note and Natural Birth

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I would like to first start this chapter off by apologizing to my readers for the slow update. With planning the wedding, Ryan growing, and school starting back up I have struggled to update. I also have asked some of you to give your back story about being a young mom so I have been waiting for those to come in. If you wouldd like to be in the book please feel free to message me with your back story and how some of these topics. 

Also on a side note, I have started a youtube blog to give a voice and face behind the guide book. Feel free to check it out and actually see little Ryan and I answer readers questions and go in more detail about being a young mom!

Now as many of you know if you have read my earlier chapters I did not have a natural delivery. So all this info is from my friends who had natural. I wish I did have natural because that would eliminate the scar between my hips and speed up the weight-loss process. 

I am not saying natural is easier, shoot it long and painful while a c section is quick and your drugged so you do not feel a thing. But in the long run a c section causes more pain. There are things that can cause pain and things to worry about with doing natural.

Things such as the baby turned the wrong way.

What that means is that the baby is coming out feet first instead of head first. This can cause complications so the doctors usually tries to turn the baby around. They do what ever they can to stop the baby from coming out that way and sometimes if lil one does not want to move they have to do a c section.

Umbilical cord wrap

This is a scary situation, the cord is wrapped around the babies neck and as the baby comes out the cord tightens and can cut the air off. Doctors are skilled in taking care of these situations most of the time. When I was delivering there was a woman who was just seconds before me but her baby wouldn't come out. They did an emergency c section and found out the cord was wrapped 4 times around the neck and that's why the baby couldn't come out.

*shudder* Ripping

Ah... I can not explain how much this pains me to think about. One of my friends was "to small"  and her body decided to rip all the way. What do I mean by this? Lets just say the doctor didn't help by opening her up some and her body wasn't flexible enough so when her son came her skin gave way. She had an epidural at the time so she couldn't feel it but once that wore off then she could feel the stitches. She was ok after a few weeks and said it was painful at first but slowly faded and is feeling better now.

All this makes natural sound HORRIBLE. But I have to tell everyone of you! Its your decision on what you do but I recommend the natural way. Yes its longer and painful at first but talking to someone who had a c section, I am waiting two years until I have my second one just so I can have he/she naturally. The pain I feel if I turn the wrong way or the friendly reminder when i look in the mirror and see the flap that will never go away makes me wish I had Ryan naturally.

Do not let anyone tell you how to have your child. It is up to you what you do with your body. Just take this as advice and think about it. (which is the point of the entire book!)

Thanks again for reading and please remember to comment and message me for more topics to go over! I may or may not do a sequel about actually having the baby. Let me know what you think! Hope you also check out my youtube blog! Thanks everyone and talk to you soon!

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