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Its a hard word, one that no one wants to ever have to experience. 

As our hormones change and our bodys adjust we see a range of emotions run through our body.  I actually have first hand experience with post partum depression after having my son. I stopped taking the vitamins, had a hormone IUD put in me, and was the only one taking care of my son while his father went to work everyday.

I soon began to hate my fiance. And when I say hate, I mean the thought of him touching me or my son made me go into a rage. I wanted nothing to do with him; he wasn't helping me at night, helping me during the day, he wasnt hurting from delievering a baby, and he sure wasn't experiencing anything I was. 

I wanted him to die and fall off the face of the planet. His aunt was what helped me through it. She actually hated her child after she had her. Now its not what you think! Her husband only can come home a month to a month and a half at a time, meaning he is gone most of the time. 

When she had the baby, he had to leave and in her hormonal state she blamed the child. Its not her fault, its actually a proven thing that women can go through after the hormones try to settle back down. And yes, she did after a year settle down and go back to normal.

It took me over four and a half months to settle in my hormones half way. Yes I still have my hormonal moments but at least I dont want to rip his throat out. 

To deal with the hormones here is some tips:

Breathe, walk away, take a break, sleep as much as you can, eat healthy, excersise, and see your OB! If it gets to bad you need to talk to your doctor and get help. 

I was lucky enough not to have to go the doctors and get on medicine but that was because after a month I realized what was happening and changed. Its not healthy for the little one and definelty not healthy for our relationship.

Thank you for reading and Tune in for another helpful tip!!

I was thinking about entering this into the Wattpad Awards! Comment and let me know if I should or not! Thanks!!

All rights, plot, and ideas belong to me!!

Young and Expecting (Watty Awards 2014)Where stories live. Discover now