Hormones On The Rise!

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Chapter 4: Hormones on the Rise!

So we think periods are bad, right? The bloating, the cramping, the mood swings. Man can life get any harder? The answer is yes! True we don't bleed or cramp but the mood swing becomes the wildest rollercoaster of your life ever! 

If you thought the rage and sadness was bad before, welcome to pregnancy. While I was pregnant I would want to kill my boyfriend for even looking at me the wrong way. He couldn't talk to me at certain times of the day unless he wanted his head chewed off. Even with prenatals, that I was told would help, didn't even phase me. I also learned, while pregnant, I hated certain people and now that my hormones are better I hate other people. 

It didn't hit me until later into my first trimister and didn't end until weeks after I had my son. It did get worse as I got further into my pregnancy and the only thing that saved me was the tips I took from other moms.

My tips to you are these:

Take a deep breath

               Breathing helps relax the body which can help calm you down. Don't over react. Breathing is also important because with a growing child, or children, they are smushing your inside and make it harder to breathe.

Think it out first

               Don't let things get the best of you. When something pops up think before you react. Everything seems like a bigger deal now then what it really is. 

Talk it out

              No matter how much you want to kill him, wait it out. Let everything calm down then go to him and talk it out. It will strengthen your relationship and when you look back at that moment, your going to see how it was such a small thing

You need to explain to your significant other, close relative and friends that with the hormones you will not be the person you once were for the next 10 months. Most women will understand, its the men that will need the explaining to, unless they have kids. This way one, it warns them ahead of time when you bite their heads off. And two, they can't say you didn't warn them.

Now with that warning, that doesn't give you the right to rip everyone a new one. But one mood you need to look for is depression, which I will cover in later chapters. 

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