Baby Shower

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So I don't know about anyone else but I was really looking forward to the Baby shower... well sorta.

So the thing with the babyshower is that you are really not supposed to plan it. In fact your mom, a friend, his mom, or someone else is supposed to plan it and surprise you with it. No more stress on you and you get to have fun! 

Well at my babyshower I planned it with his mom, my mom, and his mom's friend (who was a nut job). It was ok for the most part except I stressed about place and games because his mom's friend was always calling me 24/7 asking if I had anything or if she needed anything. 

The point of a babyshower is to get everyone together to talk about the baby, get to know the familes, and just enjoy the thought of bringing life into the world! You play games, eat food, open presents; you know the fun stuff. 

There are so many games you can play its hilarious!

We played:

Guess the belly size:

You take ribbon and cut how ever much off you think will fit all the way around the belly without overlapping ends! Its funny to see how many think your a blimp or a mouse!


You supposed to have jars of unmarked babyfood that goes around, everyone gets their own spoon, and they taste it to see what it is. Its fun but gross at the same time. We instead put it in diapers and had people smell them so we wouldn't have to buy a lot of plastic spoons.

Don't say that word!

That is just as it sounds. The word baby is forbidden and anyone who says loses a pin. You give everyone a pin before the shower starts and if you say baby you lose it. The way to get back in the game is if you hear someone else say baby and you call them on it.

There also others that we didn't try such as!

Little kids can change the diaper on a doll and who ever wins gets a prize. Its fun to watch them be "mommy" and get them interacted with something!

The dads can try to be "mommy" by multitasking. Its really an outdoor game but the concept is they have to carry a baby doll, cell phone, laundry basket, and anything else you want them to and they have to hold them all properly as they do a race! Fun for the men of the party!

My Water broke!

There are two forms of this game,

One is where you freeze a plastic baby, such as the ones found in mardigras cakes, in an ice cube and everyone takes one. They place it in their drink and as it melts, whoevers melts first yells my water broke!

Another is a mom has to hold ping pong ball or quarter between their knees and waddle themselves to a jar and drop it in the jar before going back and tagging the next person. This is also called "Tinkle in the pot"

There is pin the sperm in the uterus, just like pin the tail on the donkey.

Guess the babies due date, meaning when it will actually arrive. This makes a cute keep sake.

Decorate a onsie or diaper for the little one to wear when they are born.

Name the poop:

This is like how we did our babyfood game but with melted chocolate bars.

Guess how much candy is in the bottle.


Guess the gender (if you havent already told anyone)

I mean the options are endless!! 

Opening presents are also fun because you get to see how much of your nursery you can fill with what people give you!

Just make sure to send thank you letters out like the same day.... that way you can get them done! Lets just say... my son is four months and I never did....

Hope this helped and love talking to y'all! 

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And check out the new cover done by my sis!

Thanks @Why_so_serious

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