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We all know we have that random teacher that is as lazy as an old, fat dog and just gives you random stuff to complete.

The other day, we had one of these sorts of teachers make us watch a movie that had nothing to do with our topic we were doing. Yes, maybe it had a mummy in it and we were studying Ancient Egypt, but this mummy came to life and was dumb as a goldfish.

This mummy was pitiful and made the whole class cringe. Why do we have to put up with this? Of course, I like watching movies at school because I'm lazy, but I would rather do school work than watch this movie. Teachers, If you are going to waste our education by watching a movie, than at least make it a movie worth watching.

And then I think, crap, this teacher is the head teacher of HSIE. What is the world coming to?

And then I look back at all of my other subjects and I cringe. Another head teacher I have is an okay teacher. But then we have an intern and I'm like, this guy teaches better than our actual teacher. How is that logical?

So I don't know, post in the comments of you have problems like this, because I'm stuck.

Imagine if this happened in everyday life?

"I'm a dancer and I've been dancing for ten years and I've won seven competitions," *dances*

"Hi, my name is Lily and I'm five.

I started dancing this year," *dances amazingly with extra flips and turns*


I don't know anymore. Please tell me what you think.

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