The Imitation Game

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Yesterday, I went to go see 'the Imitation Game.'

For those of you who do not know what the movie is about, its set during WW2, and a group of people are trying to crack the code of German messages via a machine called Enigma.

The main character's name is Allen Turing, and he designs a machine to break the code.

But Enigma's setting gets changed every day so that it uses a different code every time. And Enigma has around 250 million million million settings, so it's impossible to crack the code when you only have less then a day to do it in.

What I really wanted to talk about though, is that this movie is based on a true story.

It turns out, that the works of Turing actually helped create 'Turing Machines', or as we call them - computers.

Spoilers for the next bit, so if you haven't seen the movie don't read this next part.

Turing is actually a homosexual, and at the end of the movie he gets caught. So, he gets the choice of going to jail or going on hormonal medication for two years.

He chooses the medication.

And then, after you see this, Allan turns off the light and then it cuts to words, saying that he committed suicide a week later.

And I just can't get my head around that. How... just horrid people were and... I don't know. How can you force someone to, I just can't.

Please do be advised though, this movie isn't for the faint hearted. Not many movies can leave me shaken even by the time I got home, but this one certainly did.

It's a great movie and sometimes very comical, so I suggest that you go and watch it.

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