WW2, Australia's Involvemnet

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Recently, I've been really interested in World War Two.

Like REALLY interested.

Anyways, so I was searching for fictional books based on WW2, and I found a book that looked interesting. So I read the description and here's what I found. 

Beginning with the daring amphibious invasion in November 1942, An Army at Dawn follows the American and British armies as they fight the French in Morocco and Algeria, and then take on the Germans and Italians in Tunisia

Noticed that it just says American and British forces. 


I almost burst into tears. I took this to offence. Only the American and Brittish airforces apparently, because Australia totally didn't give up hundreds of thousands of Australian men to risk their lives fighting that damn war.

But before I raged too much, I checked and made sure that Australian forces were actually involved in the war at North Africa during WW2. Here's what I got:

Almost a million Australians, both men and women, served in the Second World War. They fought in campaigns against Germany and Italy in Europe, the Mediterranean and North Africa, as well as against Japan in south-east Asia and other parts of the Pacific.

 Now at this stage I exploded. Why does everybody think that Australia was just a small piece to the war? Without us Aussies the entire thing would have failed. But noooooo, the British and the Americans get all the damn thanks. Bwahhhhh!

Even Horrible Histories says that we were only involved for a little bit. Why is this? Personally, I think Australia needs to start bragging a bit more. But whatever.

And I'm sorry to all ya'll British and American folks out there ,but seriously.

Another thing I hate is the utter stupidity of the whole thing. My great uncle started researching his family history the other day and what what he discovered made me want to punch everyone in the face. This is what happens when you leave all of the hard disitions to men:

My great pop, my grandma's dad, wasn't allowed to go to war because he needed to look after his mother and sister. Now, these are woman who could take care of themselves. But here's the thing that got me.

After he didn't have to look after them, he went to war. Except this was a year after my great uncle was born.

So this means, that if you had to look after the woman in your household you couldn't go to war, but if you had a wife and new born baby you could. Jesus Christ WTF were they thinking???

Anyways, that's my rant over. If you have any fictional books based on WW2 can you please tell me in the comments because I would love to read them :3

Violet xxx

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