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Now, for you annoyingly fantasising potter heads out there, just saying that this isn't a hate on the series or the characters of the book. Just a stupid little sentence that peeved my off (no pun intended)

I was reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire last night and a sentence that Hermione said about dragons made me fume like crazy.

"Talon-clipping by charms... treating scale rot... this is no good, this is for nutters like Hagrid who want keep them healthy..."


How could you say such a thing???

If she's so caring about flipping house- elves, how could she say such a thing about dragons???

For one, the dragons that were used in the tournament were firstly:

Captured and put to sleep, while your trying to nest! Yeah, as if you wouldn't be pissed off already.

Two, when they woke it was pitch black with stupid people running around trying to calm and capture them, then got put to sleep again.

And three, they get shoved into a arena with stupid little children with sticks that are trying to steal the dragon's beloved hatchling!!!

Great job Hermione, I used to think good of you! But all that's been thrown out the window!

And dragons are like any other living creature and deserve respect! Why wouldn't you care a dragon back to health? You would do it for an annoying ginger cat (it wasn't sick just needed a home... Shut up.) So why not a dragon??? Why shouldn't a dragon be cared for huh? Why should they be sick and and not treated? That is dragonist!!! Please tell me in the comments if you agree with my statement.

I love dragons. Nothin more to say. They are startlingly beautiful, they a blessed with almighty strength, they are amazingly intelligent and they are packed with strong, scaly body armour.

And yet, she could still say such a thing. Yeah, I've got my own badge now, and type in the comments below if you're with me on this.


Dragons Rule Epically and Are Freaking Awesome.

D.R.E.A.F.A Brofist! *brofist*

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