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SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT!!! If anyone is currently playing these listed games, DO NOT READ:

Beyond: Two Souls

The Last Of Us

Walking Dead

I swear my heart can't take on any more sad scenes in games.

I just finished watching a Youtuber play the first season of the Walking Dead. And I swear I was in tears most of the way through.

I mean, we went through the adventure of Lee and Clementine, and then he gets bitten and Clementine has to shoot him before he turns.

And then in the start of The Last Of Us, Joel's daughter dies right at the beginning because an officer shoots her incase she was a zombie (I've re- watched that seen many times and it took me about ten times to finally not cry :/)

Then in Beyond: To Souls Jodie has to tell Aiden to kill her mum to put her out of a coma. Then Nathan was a biscuit and lies to her about a mission, and unintentionally kills a boy's father.

There's just too many scenes in this to be sad about in these games...


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