Is Trixie A Good Character?

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My friend today said that in my new book, White As Death, she didn't like Trixie as a character. Do you guys agree? She said that she's too perfect. Because her father stabbing her mum is totes perfect.

Anyways, this isn't a rant chapter. I want to know what you guys think, because what's the point of me writing it if nobody likes it?

So can you please tell me in the comments if you like Trixie as a charcter, or if you like the book itself? 

Because I want to know if I should give up on it, and please be honest, or if I should just ignore my friend (which I may or may not do already when she's being too weird or fangirly) and shrug it off. Either that or I took it to heart too much and if I enjoy writing it I should just continue it...

Please answer and reply, and maybe tell your friends about it if you think its good? Don't worry I'm not going to spam please again :P

Anyways guys, please tell me because I feel... left out? I don't know what I'm trying to say...


Violet Frost: The girl who could never be serious for more than a couple minutes XD

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