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Of some of you didn't know, I live in Australia.

Now, the other day when I was watching ABC 3, the Deadly 60 ad came on, and Steve says that were lucky people to have a large amount of venomous snakes and venomous spiders in our back yards. Then he goes onto saying:

You lucky, lucky people.

And I completely agree. We are lucky people. Because we just get used to the creatures around us, for example:

When I was between the age of five and nine, I had a pet huntsman spider. It used to just randomly appear on my wall, stay for about a week then leave again. And if you don't know what a huntsman spider looks like, it can get to about the size of your palm, is slightly fury, doesn't have a big abdomen, is a brown-green in colour and isn't poisonous.

I never gave this thing a name, but I had a special connection with this spider. I never touched it of course, because there bites hurt... a lot.

Now I'm not saying that I'm not afraid of spiders. In fact I have a slight arachnophobia, but not living in Australia would have made it worse because I wouldn't be accustomed to them.

And snakes, I'm not sure if this happens in other places too, but at my primary school at least three times the teachers had to block off an area because of a red bellied black snake sighting. Tell me in the comments if this has happened to you.


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