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We're down stairs discussing about what to do with the infected man upstairs.

Lytrell-"Why dont we just kill him?"

Gabi-"Because that would just be cruel."

Lytrell-" So?"

Tanaj-"How about we just set him free."

Gabi-"Thats a great plan. We could set him free and get his daughters."

Tanaj-"Wait what?"

Stacy-"Gabriella we cant go searching for some girls who might be dead. Its to risky we're not going."

Gabi-"And who are you to say that my team is'nt going?"

Stacy-"The same B**** that build a whole survival program and is experienced in leadership."

Gabi-"Is'nt this the same program that got washed away by Zombies? I am the one that constructed this team . I am the one that defeated THE PRINCE and I am the reason all of us are alive today. "

Stacy went quiet.

Gabi-"Look guys , you dont have to help because like my sister said it is risky , but am still going to do this for that man."


Gabi-"I dont know , but am going to do it."

Brandon-"Am coming with you."

Dashawn-"No your not."

Brandon-"What are you going to do about it?"

Dashawn-"Keep talking and i'll show you."

Brandon started walking towards Dashawn to start a fight,but Kenny pushed Brandon away from Dashawn and said-"Can you girls atleast try and act like your not on your period."

Dashawn-"Gabi tell this forgotten sperm donor that he's not going anywhere with you."

Gabi-"Both of you are coming."

Dashawn shouted -"What?"

Gabi-"Both of you need to come and settle your situation like mature men."

Dashawn-"Theres no situation. This N**** just thinks that my girl will randomly fall in love with him."

Brandon angrily shouts-"There is a situation. My girl (Gabi) has this S*** BAG thinking that there in love. Your not even her type DUMB A**."

I stopped there arguing by shouting-"Stop it. You both seem childish. Can you both just act like adults for an hour."

They both kept silent.

I went in the kitchen to ignore them both . I honestly dont even know how'll they will settle there petty behavior. Why did I even ask for them both to come?

While I was thinking I noticed a door that led to the garage.

I went down stairs and noticed a car with the keys inside of it.

I quickly called August and Carlos and asked-"Can you guys do me a big favor?"

August-"No problem."

Carlos-"Sure anything."

Gabi-"Can you guys unchain the Zombie upstairs and bring him down in the garage and place him in the car?"

August-"Big problem."

Carlos-"Not anything."

Gabi-"Please guys! It would mean alot to me."

August and Carlos nervously said-"Ok."

They got tools and went upstairs and unchained the Zombie.I picked up the letter to keep for directions.

They carefully brought him down like a fragile antique.

This Zombie did'nt violently react or even tried to bite any one. Its like it was in its right mind.

They placed him into the trunk. I annoyedly called Dashawn and Brandons name.

Dashawn snatched the key out my hand and said-"Lets go."

I sat in the passengers ,while Brandon sat in th back seat and Dashawn was driving.

Carlos quietly opened the garage door. Dashawn started driving slowly to not make the car noticable while THE ZOMBIES are next door.

Dashawn then sped off.

Dashawn-"What are we doing first?"

Gabi-"Setting this Zombie free."

We then passed a huge tree with G+B carved into it.

Brandon then points at the tree and asks-"Do you remember that tree?"


Brandon-"Thats the tree where I asked you to marry me. I purposed with a ring pop."

Gabi-"We were kids."

Brandon-"I know , but it just brought back memories."

Dashawn then asks-"Do you remember the night I F***** the soul out of and then you licked the cum off of my D***?"

I rolled my eyes and said-"Really Dashawn . Why even bring that up?"

Dashawn-"Am sorry , We were just sharing good memories."

Brandon then whispers to me-"How can you date some one so childish? Why dont you just give up on this little boy and come back to me?"

I rolled my eyes and kept quiet. They were being ridiculous. I cant believe Dashawn actually brought that up.

This is going to be a long ride.

THE ZOMBIE LIFE -"THE DEAD EFFECT"Where stories live. Discover now