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He looked all beaten up and bloody.

He had stab wounds all over his body and his lips were busted.

He looked like he've been through death and back.

Too bad.

I pulled out my sword ready to rush down stairs , but before I could get to Dashawn Brandon reaches him before me.

Brandon rushed up to the dude and punched him flat on the ground.

I knew Brandon had a disliking to Dashawn , but who knew it was this aggressive .

You could've seen that Dashawn wasn't here to fight . He wasn't trying to fight back or even argue. He was just taking it all.

I hurried down the stairs and pushed Brandon away from Dashawn.

I then pointed my sword to Dashawn's neck and shouted-"WHAT TH F*** ARE YOU DOING HERE? Do you not understand the word Banned?"

He pushed my sword away and got on his knees and began to beg like a hungry dog-"Please , I cant survive this world with out you guys. I saw something , some unmark-able things. Somethings not right. The Prince did something cause the Zombies are..."

I then interrupted him and asked-"You saw Zombies?"

He then said -"Yes I have , but their different. Their smarter , faster , stronger and hungrier . And they can get here in this place."

I then asked him -"Are their any here?"

He shook his head and said-"No I didn't see  any  here , but  I felt like I was being watched. Like their was some one right behind me. Their probably hiding and waiting for the perfect opportunity , and if not their coming and I can help."

Brandon walked up to us and shouted-"BULL S*** !!!! If their was anything here why are we alive huh? Why haven't they killed us yet?"

Brandon turned to me and asked-"How can you actually trust him? He's Probably   with another group ready to kill us all ."

Dashawn then shouted in tears-"IM NOT . Gabriella please , you know me . I F***** UP  I know , but I've learnt my    lesson. I know whats  behind these walls , you don't.  I know that we need each other to survive and...."

I then interrupted him by putting my sword  to his throat and saying-"Are you negotiating with me? Cause I can negotiate my sword in your throat."

Dashawn pleaded-"NO NO!! Please don't , all I'm saying is I know whats to come and I can help."

Brandon then shouted-"HELP WITH WHAT? Something thats probably not the truth. Your probably just making up these lies to get back in Gabi's  pants.

Dashawn looked at Brandon in hatred and spat blood on his foot and said-"F*** YOU! I messed up and I was a fool , but I loved Gabriella and I still do and always will. By the way Brandon , who are you to point fingers? How do we know that your not just The Prince in disguise thats slowly tearing this group apart? That makes alott of sense. I don't see how you so easily got out the grasp of The Prince. I don't see how a low life  idiotic jock  got away from a demonic ruler of the undead and supernatural."

I saw the anger on his face.

His breathing began to get harsh as he gritted his teeth.

Why is he getting angry?

Dashawn was like an annoying fly to Brandons ear.

Dashawn then said-"So tell me Brandon , How did you get this far?"

THE ZOMBIE LIFE -"THE DEAD EFFECT"Where stories live. Discover now