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Everyone looked at me.

Brandon then said-"We should turn back."

Oliver-"We cant go back in GRABBER  territory."

Trey then looked at Oliver in disgust and said-"We should go back."

Tanaj-"I literally just had a baby. I'm not going to put my child in danger."

What should we do?

We cant go in GRABBERS  territory again , its to dangerous.

Yet we cant just go into this city.

Something way worst could here, just waiting on us to enter.

Then again everyone was tired.

I began brain storming and came up with a suitable plan.

Gabi-"Ok guys listen up. We'll stay on the river side where THE GRABBERS cant get us. We'll be there until morning , and i'll figure out what we'll do from there."

Eric then frustratingly said-"Thats it? I almost got killed by those grabbing freaks to sleep beside a river? You've got to be kidding me!"

Gabi-"I understand your tired , we all are , but-"

Eric shouted-"But nothing , I'm tired and hungry and I need a place to stay."

Brandon then shouted-"Hey! We're all hungry and tired , and ranting about isn't going to help."

Eric then snapped-"SHUT UP BRANDON! Sticking up for Gabi isn't going to help getting back in her pants."

Brandon face burned with anger.

He then lunged his fist at Eric's face.

Eric fell to the ground and rushed back up to tackle Brandon to the ground.

Eric began pounding on Brandon's face.

Brandon then tossed Eric around and began punching him in the nose.

Me and Lytrell quickly then tried to break them up.

As we're trying to break them up, the ground suddenly began shaking.

The ground began cracking.

Suddenly the exact claw like hands began popping up ,but now THE GRABBERS began coming out of the ground.

Gabi-"Why are they coming out of the ground?"

Devin-"The sun is setting , we have to go. By night fall there will be an army of them coming for us."

Suddenly THE GRABBERS began to let off a ear biting screech.

Scott began crying.

Gabi-"Everybody run , NOW."

Everyone began running in the city.

Everything was dark and cold.

The frozen air made my bones shake.

This city was  terrifying.

There were skeletons every where , but no Zombies.

Something wasn't right.

I then noticed the exact van that Dashawn and his cup shaped followers stole from us.

I then noticed a creaking resturant that seemed like it was ready to collapse , but it had an open back door.

I then shouted-"Follow me."

I ran straight for the back door , and slammed it shut after everyone was in.

I then peeked throw the curtain and saw THE GRABBERS  run past the resturant.

I then sighed in relief.

I then moved my hand up and down the wall to find a light switch.

After finding it I flicked it on.

Suddenly I felt a gun being pressed to the back of my head.

I then heard a female voice saying-"Turn around slowly , or I blow your brains out."

As I slowly turned around , anger began boiling inside of me as I relise that its Shana.

She smirked wickedly at the sight of me.

Dashawn and Talia then came  in pointing guns at the rest commanding them to get on the ground.

Shana then took my sword and pinned me on the ground and said-"I am going to kill you slowly , and then i'm going to F*** your little boyfriend Brandon."

She then began to laugh wickedly.

Dashawn then looked at me in distress.

I dont know how i'm getting out of this.

But I do know that i'm getting out of this with Shana's head.

THE ZOMBIE LIFE -"THE DEAD EFFECT"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن