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I went down stairs to check up on Eric. He was  in the kitchen  in  search for a ice cold meat to press on his eye.

Tanaj then came inside the kitchen yawning and saying-"Good morning. (SHE LOOKS AT ERIC's BLACK EYE AND SHOUTS) What happened?"

I then casually said -"We fought the JACKOFF and his WHORES ."

She then ask in a disappointed  tone-"With out me?"

as Eric laughs at Tanaj's question I stood there in my monotone state. Tanaj notices that something is bothering me.

Tanaj -" Whats wrong Gabi ?"

I sighed and responded -"Its a long story."

Tanaj then grabs my hand and says-"We live in Zombie Land. Am pretty sure we have time. (SHE TURNS TO ERIC AND SAYS) Bye Eric , we have to talk about girl stuff."

Eric gently held his eye and said-"Bye guys."

Tanaj then grabbed me and brought me up stairs to her room . She barged  in and shouted at  naked Chris saying -"Chris get out."

After glimpsing at my naked Ex I immediately covered my eyes .

Chris yawned and stretched then responded to Tanaj in a growling voice-"What?"

Tanaj-"Put on some pants and get out , me and Gabi need to talk."

He sucked his teeth, placed on his pants and brushed pass me saying -" Morning Gabi."

I awkwardly responded -" Um Good morning."


Tanaj then  shut the door and jumped on her bed and said-"You can remove your hand now."

I disturbingly and slowly removed my hand from my eyes.

Tanaj then comfortably said -" I dont get  why  you covered your eyes , its not like you  haven't  seen it before."

Gabi-" I did for respect for you guys and so that I wouldn't be reminded about that thing anymore."

Tanaj bit her lip and said-" That thing made my night exciting."

I scringed my face and said -" Ew!"

Tanaj laughed and said -" Sit down lets talk about what happened."

Gabi-"I prefer  standing."

I sighed and  poured  out my emotions  to Tanaj  and told her everything what happened  between me and Brandon starting from high school , coming up to the present.

When I was finish preaching to Tanaj her mouth dropped to the floor.

I then asked -" What do you think?"

Tanaj then said -" I think you should  leave the past in the past , but he did played with your emotions and F***** UP  your innocents. I honestly don't  know  what to tell you."

Gabi -" I still love him , but..."

Tanaj-"But what?"

Gabi-"Did you hear that?"

Tanaj then  sat up in  terror and asked -" Hear what ?"

I started to hear  screeching  and screaming and a car horn .

I grabbed Tanaj and got my sword immediately rushed down stairs and asked -" Whats going on?"

Lytrell said-"I think it was the neighbors van horn going  off. The loud noise attracted  THE ZOMBIES ."

Carlos-" Well if we all just keep quiet maybe they wouldn't even notice us."

We all kept quiet . It was going quite fine until Theo accidentally  step back  into the glass cup causing it to shatter on the floor.

We then heard a heart beating silence . Shana then yells at Theo  saying-" You  little SHIT  you could've  gotten us killed."

Suddenly   hundred of ZOMBIES over shadows the house. They screeched as they start  destroying the house.  

I then shouted-" Upstairs now."

We all rushed up stairs . As we were upstairs  I noticed a string in the ceiling that would bring down the ladder that leads to the attic.

Suddenly we heard the front door burst open.

I quickly  tugged the string and pulled down the ladder . We all rushed up the ladder , as soon  we were all in the attic I quickly  pulled the  ladder  up.

As we stood in the heated attic  I noticed a window . I went over to the window and poked my head out of the window . I noticed a huge tree  that would allow us to go over by the house next door with the loud  car.

Gabi-" Everybody climb  down the tree and sneak into the van , if you guys get caught just speed off."

Stacy-" We're not leaving you."

Gabi-" I'll be fine , just go."

They started exiting the window and heading down the tree and going inside the van.

Finally Carlos was the  last one , as Carlos  lifted  his foot out of the window  he fell throw the attic floor. I then caught him and try'ed lifting him up.

He then started screaming and shouting-" There ripping my skin."

I then used all of my strength and lifted him out of the attic's floor and helped him  unto the tree and helped him into the van.

I sat him next to his girlfriend. I hopped in the passengers seat next to Brandon and said -" Drive."

As he turned the key , he started to have difficulty's with the van. Suddenly THE ZOMBIES came rushing towards us. 

Brandon aggressive turned the key and suddenly the van began to start Brandon then  speeded off.

Carlos is in a horrific situation.

Is he infected?

THE ZOMBIE LIFE -"THE DEAD EFFECT"Where stories live. Discover now