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We're still driving on the path of no where and Carlos seems to be getting sick.

His skin is slowly turning pale, sweat is pouring from his face and he keeps breathing hard .

I turned around and noticed everyone (EXCEPT KENNY) is staring at Carlos in suspicion. They seemed to have the same question .Is he infected ? But instead of them asking they waited for me to answer the life stopping question.

While Carlos sits there trying his best to play it cool , Kenny held his hand and kissed his cheek and whispered to him -"Everything will be ok."

As she tried comforting him with her loving whispers , her face showed him that she was worried and terrified of whats to come.

As Brandon drive I noticed that he has zero intentions of speaking to me. I understand that what I did was messed , but do I really have to be ignored?

I really must have hurt him.I have to apologise to him to get this regretted weight off of my back.

What would I even say to him? SORRY FOR BEING SUCH A CHILDISH B****? Thats pure CRAP. I really hope that Brandon forgives.

As I turn to Brandon to let him know that I need to speak with him when we get some privacy , Stacy stretched her hand out like a giraffes neck and slapped the taste out of Shana's mouth.

Shana turned around in shock while holding her face.

Stacy then said to Shana-"Disrespect my kid again and I'll make you count your teeth from off of the floor."

I then remembered while we were in the house trying to keep quiet from The Zombies , Theo accidently broke a cup which caused a loud shattering noise that caused The Zombies to pay their attention to the house. Shana then called Theo a "Little S***"

I then shouted-"Everybody relax or atleast save it for our new place."

I then faced Shana and said -"Talk to my nephew like again , and you would'nt have a tongue to talk."

Shana then held her head down and started laughing.

She then confidently said-"I am going to slaughter everyone in this van."

As she said that Carlos started puking up a tar black substance.

Brandon then stopped the van.

Chris and August then pulled Carlos out of the van.

Carlos then started to act demented. He started ripping his own skin and then began to eat it. His grammar immediately faded away as he began to bite down into his tongue. He let off violent schreech then pierced our ears.

Kenny then slowly started to walk towards him with tears dripping from her face.

She then held his flesh poking face as she stared into his blood thirsty red eyes.

Carlos then slowly removed the hanging flesh from his mouth and stared deeply into Kenny's eyes and reached in for a kiss.

As he kissed his loving girlfriend passionately ,those blood thirsty red eyes began to fade away.

Kenny pulled back and stared at him. Carlos then murmured Kenny's name in a raspy voice.

Kenny then smiled in joy.

Talia then cringed her face and said-"Thats gross."

Suddenly Carlos eyes turned pitch black , blood started squirting out of his fleshy skin.

Carlos then let off another violent schreech and shoved his hand in Kenny's mouth and ripped out her tongue.

As Kenny drop flat to the floor Carlos shoved his hand in Kenny's chest and yanked out her heart.

Suddenly Chris rushed inside of the van in search of the nearest weapon. He shoved his hand in the glove compartment and found a gun and brought me my sword

He rushed outside and fired three bullets into Carlos head .

Carlos dropped flat to the ground.

Tanaj then shouted -"WHAT THE F*** ."

August-"What just happened?"

Suddenly we started to hear the van starting up.

We slowly turned around to see Dashawn, Talia and Tasha driving off in the van.

Nikki then asked-"Did those  B****** just stole our van?"

Brandon then says-"They wont get far .The van was low on gas."

Gabi-"When were you going to mention this?"

Brandon then sarcasticly says-"Well I was hoping that the van loved us enough to keep going , but I guess love does'nt work with material things."

As Brandon said those words my heart sunk. Did he just called our use to be relationship materialistic?

THE ZOMBIE LIFE -"THE DEAD EFFECT"Where stories live. Discover now