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I've finally woke up from a beautiful sleep that I have'nt experience in a long time.

As I scratch my head I look over on the other side of the bed and asked-"Wheres my boyfriend?"

As I widen my eyes , I then start to remember that I dont have one.

As I start to think over all of his childish ways I then started to relise that am kindof happy that we broke up.

I got up and stretched and went down stairs.

I went down stairs to Dashawn and Shana giggling with each other and staring me down .

I rolled my eyes and took a seat next to Eric.

Shana then said-"I think we need an eye doctor for rolling eyes."

I then said to her-"Indirect is disrespect and disrespect can get you hit."

Shana-"If you touch me i'll kill you."

I then tilted my head slowly in her direction.

I stood up and started walking towards her.

As I raised my hand to punch her Dashawn aggressively gripped my hand and said-"Dont touch her."

As I raised my other hand to punch Dashawn ,Eric flown from his seat and punched Dashawn to the ground.

Dashawn then got back up and tackled Eric to the floor. There now rolling on the floor fighting.

I then face Shana and punched her in her nose. She then pulled my hair and started to punch me in my head. I then body slammed Shana to the ground and continued punching her in her face.

Suddenly Talia runs from up stairs and hops on my back and chokes me. I then flipped Talia unto Shana and grabbed both of there hair and continuously punched them in there face.

Brandon then rushes down stairs and stops all fighting.

As he puts me and Eric on the seperate side of the room opposite Shana , Talia and Dashawn.

Shana then loudly shouted-"Are you mad that I took you man B****.He ate this up last night."

I then angrily said-"You can keep him. The only thing his venia sausage can do is tickle your hung down CLIT ."

The whole room suddenly went quiet after my response to Shana.

Brandon then takes me upstairs to his dusty room.

He sits me down and says-"I think after I left you kept a piece of me , because you've become way to savage."

I then annoyedly said-" You have nothing to do with who I've become. The S*** I went throw made me who I am."

He then put on a confused face and said-"Sorry! I was just saying trying to say that your BAD A**."

I then rested my head in my lap .

He then sat beside me and said-"I heard the shouting last night . Are you ok?"

Gabi-"Am fine."

Brandon-"Are you sure ?"


Brandon-"Well if you need anyone to talk am..."

I then interrupted him and said-"Brandon am fine . Ok?"

Brandon-"Why are you acting like this ?"

Gabi-"Because once again the person I loved betrays my heart and goes to a WHORE.Why do I always settle for the A**HOLES?"

Brandon-"Probally because after me all you've been settling for is little boys. Little boys will never appreciate whats in front of them ,but a man will always cherish his woman."

He then held my hand and gently kissed it.

As He kissed my hand my body started to tinggle. I then started to get memorys of us in highschool. I started to remember how happy we were . Brandon's hand suddenly started rub my thigh , and he would get closer and closer to my P****, but I then got a memory of the night he invited to his house and embarrassed me.

I then pulled back and hopped out of the bed.

Brandon-"Whats wrong babe?"

Gabi-"Dont call me that."

Brandon-"Did I do something wrong?"

Gabi-"I still remember that night ."

Brandon frustratingly says-"Gabriella I understand that I F***** UP , but its time to get over it."

Gabi-"I did , but then you came along and digged up dead memories."

Brandon-"We were teenagers, you can not allow the past to mess with the way you feel for the one you love."

I regrefully said-"I stopped loving you along time ago."

I then left his room.

I absolutely regretted what I said. I guess I was just speaking out of anger , but was I really angry? Did really still feel hurt? Was Brandon actually making sense?

THE ZOMBIE LIFE -"THE DEAD EFFECT"Where stories live. Discover now