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We've finally arrived back to the house.

Dashawn quickly pulled into the garage and Chris then closed it.

We're now going upstairs to be with the rest of the group.

As Talia and Shana walk upstairs there immediately greeted by Tanaj's bright smile.

Tanaj-"Hi! Am Tanaj , whats your name?"

Talia and Shana disgustedly looked at her up and down and sat down.

Tanaj then looks at me with a confused face.

I then shrugged my shoulder and rolled my eyes.

Lytrell -"Hi am Lytrell.So how does it feel to be back home?"

Shana annoyedly rolled her eyes and asked-"Is that any of your business?"

Lytrell then said-"Ok B****. You dont have to be rude about it."

Shana then faced Lytrell and asked-"B****?"

Lytrell-"Am sorry. Would FAT B**** work?"

Shana then stood up and started aggressively walking to Lytrell , while Lytrell confidently crossed her legs and stared at her.

Tanaj then got up and stood infront of Shana and said with a smile-"No fighting."

Shana then pushed Tanaj out the way and Tanaj then temporarely lost her sanity .

Tanaj got up and yanked Shana by her hair and throwed her to the ground . Talia jumped up and started rushing towards Tanaj , but was struck to the ground by Lytrell.

Lytrell then yucked Shana and dragged her on the floor while constantly pounding her head.

Tanaj is now on the floor pounding Talia in her face.

I just held my head and went upstairs into a room.

I turned on the lights and jumped in the dusty bed and tried to get some sleep.

I then hear the door open.

I asked-"Who's there?"

Dashawn-"Not your boyfriend Brandon. Go over I need some rest to."

I then mubbled-"From what? F****** Shana?"

Dashawn-"No. Why are you acting so jealous?"

I shockly asked-"Am acting jealous?"

Dashawn-"Yes. Am just trying to make new friends."

Gabi-"Your being an A**HOLE to me , and when some one else gives me attention its suddenly an issue ."

Dashawn loudly said-"I know you want him. I can see it by the way you both look at each other. But I dont care he can have you ."

Gabi-"Dashawn your acting ridiculous. Theres absolutely nothing between us both , and never will be , and even if I liked him I would'nt allow myself to be with him."


Gabi-"One night in highschool Brandon texts me to come over because he had something important to tell me. I sneaked out of my house and went over to his to meet Brandon and a group of his jock friends drunk. He then comes to me and hold me and shouted TELL THEM HOW I TOOK YOUR VIRGINITY. I was embarrassed , I rushed out of the house and ran home.The next day he sends me hundreds of messages saying the he's sorry , and I just told him that its over . As soon as I walked in school everyone called me a WHORE or CUNT. I loved Brandon to the point that I gave him my trust , my heart and my virginity and he just broke my everything."

Dashawn bit his lip and stared at me in pitty and in guilt.

Dashawn-"Gabi am sorry for acting the way I did , and am sorry for what you went throw , but I dont think that I can compete with him. He's to intimidating and you both have way to much history. There cant be an us anymore."

Gabi-"Are you breaking up with me?"


My blood boiled. I could'nt believe how cowardly he was being.

I shouted-"You are such a P****.How can you compete for me if you already have me . Did you ever even loved me? You are so quick to end this relationship. You would'nt even fight for us."

Dashawn shouted-"Maybe I dont want to fight for us. To much P**** around to fight for us."

Dashawn angrily stormed out of the room and went down stairs. My trust and My heart is once again, broken.

THE ZOMBIE LIFE -"THE DEAD EFFECT"Where stories live. Discover now