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They stared the Zombie from head to toe.

I then killed the silence and said-"Hi am Gabi. I brought him here because..."

One of the girls then interrupted me and said-"You should'nt have brought that thing in our house."

Brandon-"That thing is your farther."

The other girl then corrected him by saying-"Was our farther. He's just a flesh rotten mindless animal now."

Gabi-"I did'nt bring a mindless animal here. I brought your farther. I felt that it was only right to set him free with his kind."

We then suddenly heard The Zombies banging on the door.

Dashawn-"We need to leave now."

I asked the to girls-"Do you girls have away out of here?"

One of the girls rudely said-"These girls name are Talia and Shana , and yes. We do have away out of here for you Idiots."

My blood started to boil as she started to speak , but we did'nt have time for a fight.

Shana and Talia started running and we followed.

We made it to the back door.

I then stopped them and said-"I have a plan."

Shana rolled her eyes and said-"Then say it already."

I bit my tongue then said-"I'll draw attention from you guys by screaming and shouting in the opposite way while you guys sneak in the car. I'll run as fast as I can while you guys drive throw The Zombies toward me , I'll then hop in the car. Then we can speed off."

Brandon-"Its to dangerous for you. Let me do it."

Gabi-"You dont know what's dangerous for me. I'll do it."

Dashawn suddenly smirked at Brandon.

Brandon then asks Dashawn-"Your really gonna let her do this?"

Dashawn-"Like she said. You dont know whats dangerous for her."

Talia-" Umm am sorry to butt in your irrellevant conversation , but we need to leave."

I then Ran on the right side of the house and pass the Zombies and went into the road.

I then started to shout-"Hey!Am over here."

They immediately starting chasing after me. I started to run as fast as I can .

I kept running and running , and as I was running I noticed THE PRINCE in his monsterous form ahead. I then stopped and suddenly everything around me got dark.

I then was shoved pulled into the car by Brandon. Dashawn then sped off.

Brandon then shouts-"Are you crazy? Why did you stop running? You could've died."

He then notices that I am strucked with confusement.

Did'nt he decend in the ground? How did he even get to me? Is he just playing with my mind?

All these questions rushed throw my head.

Brandon then asked-"Are you ok?"

Gabi-"Yes. I think so."

My heart kept bouncing. Brandon then smoothly swift his fingers throw my hair and said-"Hey everything is alright.We're safe now."

I felt comforted. I took a deep breath and just leaned back and relax.

While Me , Brandon and Talia were in the back seat. Dashawn and Shana seemed a little bit to friendly in the front seats.

Brandon then notices and says to Dashawn-"Hey Bro! Your girl almost died."

Dashawn-"Gabi have been through way worst."

Brandon then asked-"Thats all you have to say?"

Dashawn got frustrated and said-"Stay out of our business."

Dashawn then annoyedly asked-"Gabi are ok?"

I ignored his stupid question.

He then shrugged his shoulders and said-"Ok."

Brandon then give me a look as if he was proving a point.

I ignored everyone in the car. Its sad that Brandon is showing me attention and not Dashawn. Dashawm is being a real A**HOLE at the moment. He's making me wonder why am even with him.

I then notice there is'nt a rotting smell in the car.

I then asked-"Wheres the Zombie?"

Talia-"Who cares?"

Gabi-"Me , and you should to."

Shana-"Why? He is just a Zombie."

I then shouted-"He's your farther."

Talia then corrected me by saying-"WAS our farther."

I could'nt believe we lost the Zombie.

My head is pounding and I am tired . I must get some rest to sleep away my annoying ex , my B**** A** boyfriend and these disrespectful whores."

THE ZOMBIE LIFE -"THE DEAD EFFECT"Where stories live. Discover now