Chapter 7

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Jillian's POV

Ring. Ring.

I grabbed my phone. I looked at the screen and found out that it was Reagan.

"Hello there, Reagan. If you're gonna tell me how annoying Xander is, then please cancel that. I'm currently watching Twilight and I'm not in the mood for talk." I ranted.

"Hey Jillian." A voice greeted. I panicked, it's not Reagan's voice.

"Who's this?" I asked.


Oh. It's just Xander. "Xander! Why do you have Reagan's phone?"

"She passed out. Can you come here?"

Why the hell did she passed out? "Of course. I'm on my way." I ended the call.

"Mom, I'll be at Reagan's house." I shouted. My mom's in her room so I need to shout for her to hear me.

"What? Why?" She yelled back.

"She fainted. I'll be back at dawn." I answered.

"Be careful. And get some sleep!"

I immediately went to my car and drove to Reagan's house. She better buy me food since I ditched the movie just for her. Why did she even fainted in the first place?

When I finally arrived at her house, I ran towards the main door and knocked. Xander immediately opened the door. "She's in my room." He informed me.

Why the hell would she be in his room? I looked at Xander suspiciously. "Did you do something to her?"

"It's not me, I swear. She just passed out on her own." Xander defended.

Oh well. "Lead me to your room. There are a lot of guest rooms in this house."

He nodded and went to his room. As I followed him, I texted Nate, Kelly, Jason, and Alex about what just happened. All of them replied almost instantly.

'I'll be there. Jason's with me.' –Kelly

'Be right there.' -Alex

'I'm on my way. Take care of her.' –Nate

"They still don't know that you're living with her, do they?" I asked Xander, referring to the people I just texted.

"I'm not sure who 'they' are but the only people who know about this are Reagan, you, and me." Xander replied as he opened the door to his room.

I found Reagan lying on his bed. I sat beside her. "She's pale."

"Does she have a sickness?" Xander asked.

"I don't know." I answered. "But we better carry her back to her room before the four of them come here."

Xander nodded and carried Reagan in bride style. He took a key and put it in his pocket.

"What's that?"

"Key to my room." He answered. "I'll lock this so that they won't know I live here."

I nodded. A few minutes later, the four arrived. Nate's so worried about Reagan. I mean all of us are worried about Reagan but I can tell Nate's more worried. Hell, why can't he just confess his love to Reagan? It's so obvious. And it's so obvious that Reagan likes him too. Damn, the two of them are oblivious to each other's feelings.

"Yo." I heard Xander called.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"Are you sure Reagan's alright?" Xander asked.

"Yeah. She'll wake up soon."

"Don't you think we should bring her to the hospital?"

"Nah. Kelly said her body's just over fatigued. A little rest can help her." I said. "And once we bring her to the hospital, her parents will surely know about it. They'll ditch their business and come over here the moment they hear that their daughter is in the hospital. So we'll have to be careful."

"Damn, I'm starting to feel guilty about this." Xander told me.

"Why the hell would you feel guilty?"

"Well, I was with her when she fainted." Xander explained.

I raised my eyebrow, "Think so? Why was she in your room anyway?"

"Just doing school project." Xander blushed as he started to walk away.

Just doing school projects? Really? I think there's something more. Damn, Reagan. She's lucky to have two boys falling for her.

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