Chapter Twenty Two: I Can Keep A Secret

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Yo yo yooo! How's it goin? I'm uploading! Sorry it's so late in the day, but I've been suuuuper busy, and it's taken me a lot of deleatig to get his bad boy right! Commet and stuff! You know I like it! ;)


Snape laid me down on my back on the plush bed, which was just as soft and dreamy as it looked. I sunk into the blankets, and he laid atop me. We kissed passionately, and ideas swam through my head. This was really it, I thought. This was really going to happen.

Our bodies were so close together, it was hard to pinpoint where mine ended and his began, even when still fully clothed. After a moment more of just laying there together, we began to remove clothing. First with my robes and our socks, then I unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, then vise versa. Soon, we were both down to nothing.

Then, my senses exploded. I wish there were a way to describe it, but there wasn't. It was too... Perfect. Everything happy in the world, all fit into one thing. so wonderful and joyous. It took my breath away in so many ways.

If Snape had never done this before, he sure didn't show it. The way he moved, just as elegant and sure as in normal basis, but with such tender love and care, all-knowing and in control. Nevertheless, he was more than willing to allow me to lead.

His strong hands stroked my skin gently, and it was hard to imagine this man, this man I love so much and who caresses my bare skin so carefully, as the same man who has taught me potions for these six years.

He was always so rough-around-the-edges and harsh... But now, I knew I had uncovered the real man underneath all the shattered remains. The true, loving, strong, and wonderful man.

It seemed like years had passed between before and after, and we lay then, tangles in sheets and holding each other. I didn't know what time it was, nor did I want to. I lay on my side, facing Snape. I had my head resting on it's cheek to his warm bare chest, and I looked up wonderingly at the glowing icicles. It was all like some dream, almost unreal. To good to be true. But it was, and it gave me hope.

It gave me hope that I could survive all the pain I've always gone through, and I didn't have to think about father calling me a freak, or being sent to Azkaban. I just needed him. That was all.

My arms were folded against my chest, palms to his skin, and he had his around me, encircling my body. One arms was under my head, the other on top of me, placed on the curve of my hip and stroking it softly. The touch sent a title through my entire body.

"How long have you loved me, Snape?" I asked him. While we were making love, he kept telling me how he loved me so much, whispering my name. Wihout hesitation, he replied. "Do you remember the first year you came to Hogwarts?" When I nodded, he continued. Ever since then, I wondered.

"I knew then there was something about you. Such a small little child, so innocent despite your Slytherin house placement. Dressed in all black, so depressed looking. Pale skin. But your eyes... They were large with awe, darting around and taking in everything. Big, green eyes, full of light and wonder."

"I remember seeing bruises on your arms and legs. I never thought much of it then, since children often get hurt from playing. But you never played. You just sat alone, silent, and watched the others or read your books. You were by far the one person who drew my attention, and made me most curious. As you got older, I realized you always had new scars or bruises, even hand prints. I knew then you most likely abused at home."

I was a little embarrassed that it was that obvious, thinking I always did a good job of hiding the marks. Snape went on. "I always kept an eye out for you. I didn't know what to think of you, or how to feel for you back then. I didn't register it as love. I just had an odd pull to you, like I wanted to protect you."

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