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| A/N: |

Hey guys! I just wanted to make a quick little note telling you guys that I just published another story about Bucky. It's written from Bucky's POV and it is his notebook entries (like the notebooks from Civil War). There won't be any Civil War spoilers until the end of the book; the notebook entries begin in the 1940's and continue all the way up to TWS and then CW.

By the way, thanks for 260k! You guys are the best!

— Mar


I was recently tagged to do this by ahsokatanos! I've never done a tag before so I'm just gonna wing this. Thanks for thinking of me, by the way!

1. If you couldn't fail, what would you do?
I would build a time machine and go back in time, befriend a young Sebastian Stan, and use my charm to make him fall in love with me. Seems far-fetched, but quite frankly, I do not care.

2. Who's your inspiration and why?
Stan friggin Lee. Why? Well, why the heck not? I wouldn't be writing my stories if it weren't for that guy.

3. Favorite subject?
World History. I would've said English, but I can't. If you were in my AP English class, you'd understand.

4. Opinions on feminism?
Girls rule the world. If you wanna shave your legs, shave them suckers. If you don't wanna shave your legs, free your inner Chewbacca. Do what you want; be who you want. I say no more.

5. Most adored childhood animated movie?
I am still a child. I adore so many animated movies, but I think one I adore the most would have to be Brother Bear.

6. Favorite kind of weather?
Let it snow, make it rain. I love precipitation, people.

7. If you could swap minds with anyone in the world, who would it be?
If this means I would have my mind but be in someone else's body, I'm going to say Daisy Ridley??

8. What was your career aspiration as a kid?
I wanted to be an Animal Cruelty Investigator. I watched a lot of Animal Planet back in the day.

9. How do you deal with meanness or confrontation?
I either get really sensitive and my feelings get hurt OR I am a sarcastic a-hole. It all depends on who it is.

10. What is your ideal way to calm down?
I listen to movie scores or watch movies. Unfortunately, they usually only mellow me out for a while until I get in my feels.

11. What is something you would tell your younger self?
Stop watching Finding Bigfoot and start watching Friends. Also, crocs aren't cool.

12. If you could choose what you dreamt every night, would you?
Well, given that I already have a lot of dreams regarding Marvel and Star Wars, I'm go make say no. I enjoy the element of surprise.

Once again, I don't know how these things work, so I'm just gonna tag thorinstoned because she is the bomb.com. I think I'm supposed to make up questions to ask you?? I'm just gonna ask you one, though, because I'm lazy.

If you could become your own character in any of the stand-alone Marvel movies, whose would you be in and why?

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