Chapter 1

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Finn signalled for the bartender to bring him another beer as soon as he finished the last. His last conversation with his mother was circling around in his head.

"I just think that if you brought a girl to Burt and I's wedding anniversary party you would be happier there." Carole had told him earlier that day.

"But I don't have a girlfriend to bring!" Finn had had this conversation a billion times recently.

"Why don't you bring that girl Quinn, she was nice." Carole asked. Her son had been single for a long time and some relatives were now questioning if he was gay like his brother Kurt.

"Quinn and I broke up 2 years ago!" Finn reminded her yet again.

"Then why don't you call one of the girls you have been on a date with recently?"

"Because I don't like any of those enough to date again." Finn rubbed his face tiredly. He didn't have a girlfriend; was that such a big deal?

"Look sweetie. I have Burt, obviously; Kurt has Blaine, Artie had Kitty, Sam has Mercedes, Santana has Brittany; even Puck will most likely be screwing a girl in the closet. You are the only single one left." Carole reminded him for the tenth day in a row.

"What's wrong with me being single?" Finn asked.

"Nothing is wrong with it but I just want you to be happy."

"I have to go to work." Finn sighed and walked over to the door. Just as he was about to leave his Mom shouted to him.

"Just think about it ok?" Finn nodded and left.

Finn was better single anyway. After years of girls breaking his hearts he now lived his life on pointless one night stands.

Now that it was getting his Mom stressed Finn wanted to bring someone purely to get her off his case. There was no one he could introduce to his family that he knew now and he couldn't get into a serious relationship in a week.

Finn took another mouthful of beer and looked around the bar. There were plenty of girls dotted around. Each half decent one was already being stared at by a man playing darts or pool though.

He sighed and turned back to his beer.

"Is this seat taken?" A sweet voice came from beside him.

"No it's not." Finn replied without looking who the voice belonged to.

"Can I sit here?" The person asked.

"Sure." Finn patted the empty chair and looked at the woman. He had definitely seen her before but couldn't put a name to the face.

She was certainly a small woman with long brown hair. She had big brown eyes and when she smiled her white teeth were dazzling. Her hapy face was infectious as she smiled widely.

"Finn Hudson, right?" The girl smiled wider as she recognised him. "I take it by the look on your face you don't remember me. I'm Rachel Berry."

Finn nodded as he remembered her. Of course it was Rachel Berry. She had dated his best friend Puck for about a week a few months ago. They had only gone out to help the other hide who they truly had feelings for. Finn was one of the few who knew that.

"I remember now." Finn confirmed and sipped his beer.

Rachel ordered herself a drink before turning back to Finn. "By the fact you're here alone I can tell you're here for the same reason as me, to drink your sorrows away."

"Something like that." Finn admitted. "What's the matter with you?"

"I got stood up."

"That's horrible. I'm sorry." Finn knew the horrible feeling of being stood up all too well.

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