chapter 2

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The next day Rachel arrived at Starbucks at 10:50am. She ordered heself a coffee and sat at a table. She waited there for fifteen minutes with no sign of Finn.

She looked around the room one more time with no sign of Finn anywhere. She had told him 11:00am sharp right? It was now exactly 11:06am and Rachel got up to leave.

She was in no mood to sit around and wait for him. She didn't need him or his money and she certainly didn't need to practice her acting skills.

Just as she reached the door she heard a voice from behind her. "Look who finally decided to show." Rachel turned around and folded her arms across her chest.

"I came ten minutes early Finn, you're the one that was late." Rachel said with some anger in her voice.

"I wasn't late." Finn replied.

"I sat at that table so I saw everyone who walked in and I never saw you!" Rachel pointed to a nearby table that surely enough had a great view of the entrance.

"You never saw me because I arrived fifteen minutes early. I beat you at your own game Rachel." Finn sounded proud of himself.

"I don't have time for this. Let's go sit down." Rachel walked to a table in the corner of the room and sat down.

"Do you want a drink?" Finn asked as he sat across from her.

"No, I've already drank mine waiting for you."

"Suit yourself." Finn got comfortable in his seat and watched as Rachel looked for something inside her bag. "What are you looking for?" He finally asked.

"My booklets. Oh, here they are." Rachel pulled out two booklets and handed one to Finn.

"What's this?" Finn asked and scanned through it.

"I need to know everything about you so I've filled one in and you need to do that one." Rachel explained.

Finn frowned at the questions. "Is this really neccessary?" He asked.

"Yes, of course it is. If you were my boyfriend I would want to know you well." Rachel answered and handed him a pen.

"So I have to know all of this about you?" Finn asked. The tone of his voice suggested it was a ridiculous thing.

"Yes. So fill it out." Rachel pointed to the first question. "What's your full name?"

"Finn Hudson. You know that already." Finn began to write his name in the empty space next to the question.

"Do you have a middle name?" Rachel asked.

"Of course." Finn replied with a chuckle.

"Well I don't know what that is."

"It's Christopher."

"Then your full name is Finn Christopher Hudson." Rachel answered matter-of-factly. Finn scribbled out his name a rewrote it, this time including Christopher.

Finn wrote the answer to a few more questions. He occasionally shot Rachel a questionable looke at some of the questions written.

"You missed your siblings." Rachel pointed out as Finn skipped a question.

"I have a step-brother called Kurt." Finn sighed and wrote the answer.

"Any pets?" Rachel read the next question.

"Nope." Finn said through gritted teeth.

"Why are you getting annoyed?" Rachel asked.

"Because this whole booklet is ridiculous!" Finn put the pen down and leant back on his chair.

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