chapter 18

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Despite Quinn saying she'd try to stop by, she hadn't. In the three days since the break up she had stopped by once for around half an hour. Finn's Mom, Puck and Santana had all been to see him and make sure he was ok but Quinn didn't seem interested.

This was why Finn didn't want to date Quinn, he never knew what she was thinking. She was always a closed book and one minute she was always with him, the next she was never there. With Rachel she always told him how she felt and was always there for him; that was one of the many reasons Finn loved her.

He wanted to go and see her but he knew he couldn't. For Finn a friendship wasn't on the cards because he loved her too much so it would just hurt to see her but know he wasn't with her. No matter how much he wanted to see her smile, see her beautiful eyes, hear her voice and her laugh, he knew he couldn't.

Everyday Finn had woke up and it dawned on him again that he didn't have Rachel. When you meet the person you're meant to be with, you know about it, and Rachel was it for him. The thought of not being with Rachel didn't feel right. Rachel was the missing part of him and it was only her.

He had never believed in soul mates until he had started seeing Rachel. Everything about them being a couple seemed right and imagining himself marrying Rachel seemed like his happy ending. Thinking he would marry someone else didn't seem likely.

As each day went by, the fact that he and Rachel weren't a couple anymore became more and more real. It still hadn't sunk in because the idea felt so foreign and strange. He still thoroughly believed that he and Rachel would end up together. He just had to figure out how...


Rachel woke up three days later with a craving to see Finn. She was glad she had rehearsals so that she would be distracted. At 9.00am she left for the theatre for the day.

It was around 5.00pm when she was allowed to go home but that's not where she was planning on heading. She had to see how Finn was doing because it was driving her crazy. She hadn't seen Finn, Quinn, Santana, Kurt or anyone who knew Finn since her last conversation with Santana so she had no source of information on how Finn was doing.

She was not doing too well. Their relationship had only been very short but she had enjoyed every minute of it. She enjoyed feeling like she wasn't alone and having someone who really loved her. Now it had been brutally ripped from her grasp all too soon.

As she entered Finn's building she could feel butterflies in her stomach. She was nervous to see his face again, to hear his voice, to smell his scent, see his charming half smile...

What if Finn was doing awful and was depressed. She couldn't live with herself knowing that she had done that to someone. Or worse, what if Finn was doing surprisingly well and had already moved on? Or at the worst case scenario, what if he had moved on with Quinn?

She pushed all negative thoughts out of her head as she pressed the button for his intercom. There was a long pause and she began to think he wasn't in when she heard his voice through the small speaker.

"Hello?" Rachel couldn't tell if he was happy or sad just from that.

"Hey, Finn. It's me, Rachel." There was a long pause. An unnaturally long pause. Rachel was scared he had passed out or something while she stood nervously.

"What are you doing here?" Finn seemed nervous... or was it irratated?

"I came to see how you were doing. Can I come up?" There was another pause and then a green light flashed and the door clicked open.

She smiled a smile that was a combination of relief and nervousness as she headed up to his apartment. The elevator ride seemed to last forever but it eventually ended and she walked to the his door. She knocked and waited until he came to answer.

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