chapter 14

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Author note:Some of you guys noticed my f.r.i.e.n.d.s reference last chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of Glee or F.R.I.E.N.D.S. If I did, I wouldn't be on here

Finn could hear his heart pounding. Santana had told Rachel? There was no way that his relationghip with Rachel could end. He knew his life with her had barely begun but he couldn't imagine a life without her.

"You told her?!" Finn yelled into Santana's face.

"She had a right to know Finnocence." Santana didn't seem affected by Finn's tone of voice.

"You found out yesterday, how did you tell her?" He frowned.

"Well I left her a message on her answering machine."

"So she might not know yet." There was a glimmer of hope in his voice.

"No, she knows. She called me." Santana seemed amused by Finn's aggresion.

"What did she say? Did she sound upset?" Finn asked.

"What do you think? She just found out the guy she loved slept with his ex, of course she's upset." Santana felt bad when she saw the heart broken look on Finn's face. "I don't think you should waste your time here talking with me, I think you should go and get your girl back."

"I wouldn't have to get her back if you wasn't such a heartless bitch!" Finn yelled before walking away.

~Rachel's apartment~

Finn rushed to the door and knocked loudly.

"Who is it?" Rachel's voice came from behind the door. He could tell she had been crying and he could practically hear the tears in her voice.

"It's Finn. Please let me in." He said with urgency.

"I don't want to talk to you Finn!" He could hear her sobbing now.

"Please Rachel, we need to talk!" He said back and hoped she would answer.

"We have nothing to talk about." She shouted back.

"Yes we do, you know we do. Look I'm sorry, please let me explain."

"I don't want to hear what you have to say!"

"I'm not leaving until you let me in Rach. Please." Finn waited for a few minutes. Rachel must have sensed his desperation as the door opened slightly but he never saw her face.

As he pushed open the door he saw her walk into the living room. He didn't see her face but she was wearing sweats and she hadn't done her hair. She still looked beautiful though. He followed her into the room and saw her tear stained face and red eyes. He felt awful for being the person to make her like this. Before he could say anything she spoke.

"How could you?" She whispered.

"I didn't mean to. I-" Finn tried to explain.

"Then what did you mean to do? You don't accidently have sex with someone, Finn!" Rachel interrupted. She was clearly very hurt.

"I was drunk and-"

"It hurts more though because you're an adult. This kind of thing you expect from a teenage boy because that's just what they do but from an adult?" Rachel looked at Finn for the first time.

"I know Rachel. I was completely stupid and childish and I made a huge mistake. I was drunk and with Quinn and we both got lost in the moment." Finn sat next to her and tried to hold her hand but she moved it away.

"And you know what hurts most?" Rachel looked away again with new tears falling down her face. "It's that I admitted to you that I loved you last night. You must have been dying to laugh in my face when I said that. Knowing that I made myself as vulnerable as I did and now I know I just humiliated myslelf!"

"You didn't humiliate yourself Rachel! I love you too!" Finn insisted.

"Sure you do Finn." Rachel said sarcastically.

"I do, I really do." Finn protested.

"Then why would you cheat on me?! Huh Finn?" Rachel yelled at him.

"I didn't mean to-"

"There you go again with your 'I didn't mean to.' Then what did you mean to do?" Rachel asked him. Of course Finn couldn't answer so he just stayed silent. "And to have to get back from our perfect date to a voicemail from Santana telling my about it." Rachel shook her head as if she was trying to make the whole situation go away.

"Rachel I am so, so, so, sorry." Finn said sincerely. "I would do anything, anything, to make you forgive me. So what will it take for you to forgive me?"

"I honestly don't know." Rachel looked back to Finn. "I don't know if I can trust you again. There was nothing wrong with our relationship that would give you a reason to do it." Rachel brushed away a tear rolling down her face.

"Look Rachel, you have to forgive me, you have to give me another chance." He said almost begging. "I need you in my life. I really do." His eyes began to fill up with tears. "I have felt so guilty these past few days and I've been so ashamed of myself. You don't deserve someone like me but I love you Rach! I love you more than I thought was possible. It scares me how much I love you and I need you."

Rachel brushed away the stray tear that was rolling down Finn's cheek and said "I'm sorry Finn."

"Jessica Cochran once said 'God made many puzzle pieces, but only those two cut out for each other, can fit together to create a perfect and beautiful picture.' I remember that quote because I always though it was a load of crap, until I met you. And now I realise that I am pretty sure you're my missing puzzle piece." Finn looked into Rachel's eyes that were now filled with tears again.

"How do I know you don't still love Quinn though? Honestly she is beautiful, smart, funny-"

"But you're more beautiful, smarter and funnier." Finn said honestly.

"I'll never know if that's the truth." Rachel admitted.

"I thought you might say something like this so I have found a quote that sums up my relationship with Quinn. One second." Finn pulled out his phone and started searching for the quote. Rachel couldn't help but giggle, he was such a dork.

"Here is is." He said. "Marilyn Monroe said 'I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.' That's you Rach. You are the better thing that was supposed to fall together."

"What if I'm the good thing that was supposed to fall apart." Rachel countered.

"But you're not because your my puzzle piece." Finn argued and Rachel giggled.

"I need time to think, Finn." Rachel said and stood up.

"I understand."

"I think you should leave. I'll call you when I've thought things through." Rachel took Finn to the door.

"Can I hug you?" Finn asked. Rachel nodded a little and wrapped her arms tightly around him. He did the same as each knew there was a possibility that this could be the last time.

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