chapter 17

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Author Note: A boring, sad filler chapter. Sorry, I hate these chapters but it just shows Finn and Rachel's reaction to the break up. Enjoy.

Finn, Quinn and Santana had still been brain-storming and watching some TV when Finn received the call. When Quinn and Santana heard Rachel's name they both muted the TV and listened to what was going on. When Finn got excited they high-fived each other enthusiastically until they saw Finn's face drop.

All the joy vanished from his face in a second. His eyes filled with tears that were threatening to spill over the edge but he wouldn't let them. With one more sentence from Rachel it was too much for Finn to hold in anymore and began to softly sob. Quinn and Santana shared a sympathetic look and moved towards Finn. He hung up the phone without another word and began to cry properly.

Quinn and Santana embraced him into a hug which he didn't deny. He bent down so he could bury his face in Quinn's neck and Santana stood at the side of him and stoked his hair soothingly.

"She said that she can forgive me but she can't forget." Finn whispered as he cried. "That she can't stop picturing us."

"She will forgive you fully, Finn. If you're meant to be together she'll come back." Santana reassured him. He pulled away from their hug and brushed his hands through his hair.

"I'm so stupid!" He yelled and kicked the leg of a small table nearby causing it to break and tumble to the floor.

"Finn, you aren't stupid you just-" Quinn started but Finn interrupted.

"If I'm not stupid then how come I mess up everything that comes along in my life?" He asked angrily. "Huh?"

"Life doesn't come easily to anyone, Finn. If you want to get what you want, you have to fight for it! It goes that way for everyone!" Santana told him but didn't make a move towards him. Finn got aggresive when he was emotional and she could already see Quinn getting scared.

"I have fought! I tried to fight but it didn't work! All effort I put into getting Rachel back only makes things worse!" New tears built up in Finn's eyes as he punched the wall.

"Finn, calm down!" Santana shouted.

"Calm down?! Calm down?!" Finn yelled getting louder each time. "How can I calm down when the woman I love doesn't want to be with me?! When the woman I am pretty sure I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with, doesn't want to spend her life with me because of some stupid mistake?" Finn sobbed some more.

Santana watched sadly and she could literally see Finn's heart breaking on his face. She had known him since high school but had never seen him so distraught. She glanced over to Quinn who was watching Finn with a sympathetic, pittying look on her face.

Finn punched the wall a few more times and kicked a few more things in the room. He always took his stress and sadness out in the form of agression. She watched in horror knowing there was nothing she could do about it. She looked back at Quinn who now also had tears streaming down her face as she watched her friend break down right before her eyes.

Eventually Finn got tired and just sank to the floor with his head in his hands. He was crying still but now it seemed to get worse. Quinn slowly and cautiously walked over to Finn and bent down in front of him.

"I can't believe it." He muttered without removing his head from his hands.

"I know." Quinn whispered back as another tear trickled down her face.

Quinn moved so she was next to Finn and leant against the wall. She put her arm around him to comfort him and he seemed to appreciate it. He rested his head against her shoulder and sobbed into it. Quinn was literally a shoulder for him to cry on. She hugged him and he hugged her back while he cried.

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