chapter 7

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Day 4: Thursday

Finn woke up and groaned. Sleeping on the couch was not comfortable for a man of his height. He sat up and noticed the time was 7:30am which meant everyone else was probably still asleep. Normally he wouldn't get up for hours but he knew that he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep now.

He hadn't had much sleep because of his thoughts of his fight with Rachel spinning around in his head. He wanted to apologise but why should he? She called him selfish and ignorant first so she should apologise to him.

He had stayed awake for around half an hour to give her a chance to see sense and say she was sorry but she never did so he tried to sleep. He tried and he tried but he felt unbelievably guilty about what he said because he didn't mean any of it. There was some elements of truth but he had bown it way out of proportion.

Finally about 2 hours later his exhaustion caught up with him and he fell into a restless sleep.

Finn stood up and strethed his back. He wasn't in the mood to talk to Rachel right now and he didn't want to have to see her today. If they were at home he would have taken a day apart to think things through but how could he here? They were sharing a house which made it rather difficult.

Eventually he decided he wouldn't ignore her but he wouldn't go out of his way to talk to her. He would avoid her as much as possible and seeing as today was likely to be another day lounging by the pool he could just sit inside and say he wasn't in the mood to sit in the sun.

His plan was great until he opened the curtains and noticed the deep grey clouds in the sky. He sighed and closed his eyes. Great. Everyone would likely sit inside today and he would have to be with Rachel all day.

He needed fresh air and decided to go for a run. He walked upstairs as quietly as possible and slipped into the bedroom. He could see Rachel asleep in the bed so he soundlessly grabbed some sweat pants and a t-shirt and left her alone.

He changed in the downstairs bathroom, grabbed his ipod and made a quick note to tell them where he had gone. Then he opened the door and jogged away, leaving his troubles behind him.


Rachel stumbled clumsily down the stairs. She had just woke up and was very tired. It took her forever to get to sleep after her and Finn's argument and she always made sure she got enough sleep but today, she hadn't.

She peeked her head into the living room and could see the blankets Finn must have slept with strewn across the couch. Finn was nowhere to be seen so she made her way to the kitchen.

"Hey honey." Carole looked up from her paper at Rachel. "You're up early, for you anyway." Rachel looked at the clock. 8:17am.

"I know. I woke up and couldn't sleep. Where's Finn?" Rachel could see that only Carole and Kurt where in the kitchen so everyone else must be in bed still.

"Here, he left this note." Kurt handed her the piece of folded paper and she read the words.

To whoever reads this,

I've gone for a run on the beach to clear my head. I don't know when I'll be back but I figure the beach is pretty big so I might be a while. Also I needed laundry doing so I left it next to this note and there are blankets on the couch.

Thank you for your help and I'm sorry if I'm ignorant, selfish or stupid but if you can't accept that that's who I am then maybe I should just leave.


Rachel frowned at the odd note. Yes, she understood the note but it was still weird for Finn to write this.

"Do you know what he's talking about?" Carole asked, also confused by the note and Rachel knew she didn't know about the argument.

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