chapter 13

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Finn lay in his bed on Saturday morning staring at the ceiling. He had got hardly any sleep last night. His mind just wouldn't shut up telling him how guilty he felt and rightfully so. His date with Rachel yesterday had been incredible but that didn't take away any of the gut-wrenching guilt he felt.

He had told Rachel that he hadn't contacted her for days because he was planning the date, which did have some element of truth to it. However, that wasn't the real reason. The thought of being with Rachel and looking at Rachel brought back that unbelievably strong guilt.

It all started on Monday...


Finn walked into his apartment and threw his keys on the table by the door. He dragged his suitcase into his bedroom and decided to unpack later. He went into his living room and turned on his wide screen TV in time to see the football game.

He glanced at the clock and it was 7:33pm. He was so tired and it had been a long day. The flight went a lot quicker than the first because he was next to Rachel and he liked Rachel a lot more now; hell he was 90% sure he loved her.

He had had to carry Rachel's unbelievably heavy suitcase up so many flights of stairs that he lost count because the elevator was having 'Technical Difficulties.' So he thought he deserved to enjoy a nice, cold beer and a good game of football.

As he stood up to get himself a beer he heard the buzzing of the intercom. He sighed as he walked over to it. He had told Rachel to not come by tonight because he would be busy but of course he would ignore her. No matter how much he thought he loved her she could be a little overwhelming sometimes.

"Yep." Finn said into the intercom.

"Hey Finn, it's Quinn." Finn was surprised when it wasn't Rachel, what would Quinn want?

"Come on up." Finn buzzed the blonde girl in and headed for the kitchen. They were good friends again so he knew she would let herself in. Minutes later Quinn came into the kitchen with a smile as Finn grabbed a beer from the fridge.

"Here you are." She said when she saw him.

"Here I am." Finn confirmed. "So what's up?"

"I can't find my iPod in any of my bags so I was wondering if maybe you had picked mine up because we have the same one?" Quinn raised her eyebrows hopefully at him.

"I haven't unpacked yet but I'll look." Finn pulled his half-smile and walked into his bedroom with Quinn close in tow. He lifted his suitcase onto his bed and opened it up. He started routing through his clothes for it and then threw a pile of the clothes over his shoulder because they were getting in his way.

"Ewww." He heard Quinn say and turned around to see why. She was stood with the majority of the pile he had thrown in her hands. The rest were either on the floor or hanging off her. Of course the most noticeable item was a pair of his boxers hanging of her head.

"I really hope these are clean." Quinn dropped the clothes and slowly removed the boxers from her head.

"I've just got back from vacation. Of course the aren't clean." Finn said in between laughs.

"You are disgusting." She threw them back at Finn who just shrugged.

"They're my underwear why would I find them disgusting?" He asked.

"Fine then. How would you like it if I took off the underwear I'm wearing now and threw them at your face?" Quinn asked. Finn raised an eyebrow in an amused way and Quinn put her head in her hands and started laughing.

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