chapter 5

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Day 2: Tuesday

When Rachel woke up she was in an unfamiliar room and sat up in confusion. It wasn't until she heard a low snore from the foot of the bed that she remembered where she was.

She glanced at the clock on the night stand and it had 8:00am on the screen. Since she was looking on the night stand she couldn't help but see her reflection in the mirror and noticed she looked like she had just been dragged through a hedge backwards. And that was an understatement.

She quickly routed through her bag at the side of her bed and brushed her hair. She picked out her concealer and put some under her eyes to make her look less tired and looked back in the mirror. She now looked half decent and still looked like she had just woke up.

She led back down with a sigh. Just as her head hit the pillow she heard a knock on the door. For a moment she just led there in a startled silence but what she heard next snapped her into reality.

"It's me, can I come in?" Carole's voice came through the door making Rachel panic. If Carole walked in and saw Finn on the floor she would know something was wrong.

"Just a second Carole." Rachel shouted and jumped out of bed. "Finn." She hissed in front of him. He didn't even stir. "Finn." She tried again with a gentle kick. He rolled over but didn't wake up.

"Finn!" She tried again with a harder kick. He woke up a shock and sat up with a cute goofy look on his face. "Your Mom's outside get in bed!" She whispered so Carole wouldn't here her.

Finn took a moment to absorb what was going on but he quickly jumped into bed when he understood. Rachel opened the closet and threw in the duvet and pillows before rushing to the door and opening it.

"Come on in Carole." She said in a cheery voice as she walked back over to the bed and jumped in next to Finn. "Sorry it took so long but I was trying to wake this lazy lump." Rachel joked and Finn playfully pushed her causing her to giggle.

"It's not a problem. I actually brought you two some breakfast in bed." Carole entered with a tray with two plates of pancakes and some orange juice and coffee.

"Thanks mom." Finn said as he put his arm around Rachel and took one of her hands with the other one of his.

"No problem at all. I know yesterday was tiring but today we can all chill out and have a nice time." Carole placed the tray on a bedside table and smiled at the young couple.

"We look forward to it." Rachel smiled and looked up at Finn who nodded in agreement.

"Look at you two." Carole said with a wide smile. "You are the cutest."

Finn and Rachel looked at each other and exchanged a smile. Finn pulled Rachel closer to him and enveloped her in his arms. Rachel smiled so wide that it hurt at the feeling.

"I'm so happy to see you're happy Finn." Carole said as she made her way over to the door.

"I am happy mom." Finn assured her.

"I know I can see you are." Carole stopped at the door and took one last look at the couple. "I'll see you two downstairs later." Carole closed the door behind her and left Finn and Rachel alone.

They stayed in their position for a few minutes because neither wanted to move but then Rachel sat up and grabbed the tray. She put it onto her lap and handed Finn one of the plates of pancakes.

"Do you want coffee or juice?" She asked as she poured herself some coffee.

"Juice please." Finn replied as he dug into his pancakes. Rachel poured him a glass and handed it to him.

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