chapter 22: part 2

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When all the drama of the night was over, Finn was determined to just have a nice time. He wanted this night to be memorable in a good way, not because it was awful. So he walked back over to Rachel and allowed Quinn to go and say goodbye to her friends and have a nice last night in New York City.

When he reached Rachel, he put his hands round her head and covered her eyes and whispered in her ear. "Guess who? I'll give you a hint, I love you."

"Noah, I didn't know you felt that way about me." Rachel joked as she spun in Finn's arms to face him. "I love you too." She smiled and kissed his lips.

"Noah, really?" Finn raised an eyebrow when he pulled away.

"What can I say?" Rachel joked again. "Are you kidding me by the way?"

"What?" Finn asked with a confused frown.

"You went to get me a drink half and hour ago and you still haven't got it?" Rachel reminded him.

"Oh, crap!" He sighed. "Sorry I got a little preoccupied."

"Yeah I saw, what went on with Quinn?" Rachel asked with curiosity. Glad that she could finally ask and get it out of her nosey system.

"Long story. I don't want to get into it with you. Want a drink still?" Finn swiftly changed the subject.

"No I got my own, like, ten minutes ago." Rachel grabbed a glass of wine from a nearby table and sipped it.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." Rachel brushed it off. "By the way, me and Kurt are really looking forward to planning this wedding."

"So am I." Finn pulled Rachel into a hug.

"You want to help plan? Really?"

"Yeah, why not?" Finn looked down at Rachel.

"It's just, I don't think you have that good taste for this stuff. I think Kurt knows move about this kind of-"

"You think I'll ruin it because of my little knowledge in weddings." Finn finished for her.

"Well... yeah." Rachel was scared of upsetting Finn. To her surprise, he just chuckled.

"That's a relief. I really didn't want to have to plan a whole wedding. Planning events is not my forte." Finn released Rachel but kept hold of her hand.

"Exactly." She agreed. "It's more Kurt's strong suit."

Finn nodded in agreement and they both laughed a little. It was like they were on the same wavelength. They always agreed and shared an opinion which is why they got on so well. The fact they had different interests though was a great example of opposites attracting.

Finn could tell already that his future with Rachel was going to be a good one!


Finn was piling food up high on his plate from the buffet. He grabbed four chicken wings and made his way back to the table to dig in. Food was by far his favourite thing about parties. It was always incredible and there was a seemingly endless supply.

He lifted one of the wings and took a huge bite from it. It tasted delicious. As he enjoyed his food, Rachel sat down next to him with a surprised look on her face.

"Are you going to leave any food for anyone else?" She joked while she looked at his mountain of food.

"It all looked so good." He reasoned. "And I'm hungry." He looked at Rachel's plate that had a small bit of salad and a sandwich.

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