chapter 4

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Day 1: Monday

The rest of Saturday night went by in a whirl. Finn had given Rachel her check and arranged when to pick her up on Monday to go to the airport. Maybe Kurt was right when he said to tell Mom the truth because now it was much too late to back out and he had to pretend for a whole week to be Rachel's boyfriend.

But those thoughts aside, life was too short to regret things so he ultimatly decided to embrace what was happening and at least have fun with it. How could he not enjoy a week in Florida with his family and a nice, pretty, funny yet albeit bossy girl?

He pulled up in his car outside Rachel's apartment building and smiled when he saw Rachel was already stood outside waiting with a huge pink suitcase and a carry on bag.

He opened his car door and walked over to help her with her luggage. "Hey, how are you?" He asked when he reached her.

"I'm a little tired seeing at it's 3am but I'm good. What about you?" Rachel replied as she watched Finn pick up her suitcase and put it in the trunk of the car.

"Nervous." Was his simple reply as he closed the trunk and climbed back into the drivers seat. "So how much money am I paying you for the week?" Finn asked once he was in the car and so was Rachel.

"You're not paying me anything. I think the free trip to Florida is payment enough." Rachel said with a giggle as she buckled her seat belt.

"Are you sure?" Finn checked. "I could give you another ten thousand if you want."

"No Finn, it's fine." Rachel clarified.

Finn smiled and started the ignition. "JFK here we come!"

Finn and Rachel had met the large group that were going at the airport. Rachel was introduced to so many people it was a little overwhelming even for her.

The group had decided that some people would stay in Burt and Carole's house while others would stay in a nearby hotel. Finn and Rachel were lucky enough to be in the house but they had to share a room because Carole and Burt were 'under no illusion that they would never spend the night together.' Burt's words.

Also staying in the house would be Carole and Burt obviously, Kurt and Blaine, Artie and Kitty (because of his wheelchair), and Quinn.

Finn had no idea why Quinn was even invited but apparently his mom and Quinn's mom had become close recently which made Carole close with Quinn as well.

As they boarded the plane Finn was seated next to Rachel with Carole and Burt in front of them and Quinn and Puck behind them. Finn didn't mind where he sat but he knew from the moment he saw the flight attendant that Puck wouldn't be in his seat much.

Finn sat in the aisle seat so he wouldn't have to stumble over Rachel if he needed the toilet and Rachel wanted to look out of the window. Rachel had never flown in a plane before and was incredibly nervous.

Just as the flight attendant finished explaining the information and instructions about what to do in the case of an emergancy everyone was told to put on their belts and take off was soon.

Finn wasn't a fan of flying so as they were about to set off he gripped the arm rests and squeezed them tighly. As the plane began to move he closed his eyes. He hated watching the ground outside get lower and lower down.

"You scared of flying Finn?" He heard Rachel's voice next to him.

"Just a little." Finn said with the best chuckle he could muster.

Finn felt the plane lift from the floor and a second after it did he felt a small hand on top of his. He opened his eyes to see Rachel also a little scared.

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