chapter 10

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When Rachel woke up she could feel someone cuddling her from behind. A wave of confusion swept over her before the memories of the previous day came flooding back and a smile washed over her face.

She snuggled closer to Finn's warm body and she felt happier then she had ever felt. She also felt safe in his arms like he was protecting her.

"Hey." Finn's deep, sleepy morning voice whispered in her ear.

"Hey." Rachel replied sweetly as she turned to face him.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"I slept incredibly well." Rachel leant up to Finn and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"We should go down for breakfast." Rachel said to Finn and he nodded.

They got out of bed and Finn put on some sweat pants and a t-shirt while Rachel put on one of Finn's jackets and they made their way downstairs. They walked hand-in-hand for real and it felt so much better now that they weren't pretending anymore.

They opened the door to the kitchen and a group of people were crowded around the table but there was no room for anyone else. They walked to the island counter and took a seat across from Kurt and Blaine.

"Good morning love birds." Kurt winked to them.

"So I hear that you two are really a couple now." Blaine smiled.

"Yes we are." Finn smiled down at his girlfriend and squeezed her hand.

"I'm glad that you are happy for real." Blaine nodded and tucked into his pancakes.

Finn and Rachel sat for a few minutes in a silent contentness before Carole came over to them. At first she just smiled to them and said good morning as she made them some pancakes but them she came over for a conversation.

"You can see the difference already." She smiled at the couple.

"What do you mean?" Rachel asked as she cut up her pancakes.

"Well these past few days you have looked happy but a reserved happy. Today you both look thrilled and happy." Carole smiled at them both and they looked admirably at one another.

It was true. The past few days had been great being around each other but there was still a part of them that knew it wasn't real. Now it was completely true and they were in that new stage of the relationship were everything felt perfect.

"I love that this is real." Rachel looked up at Finn and put her hand on his thigh.

"Me too." He smiled back down at her and looked into her dark brown beautiful eyes.

"Does this mean we can expect to hear a little love making tonight?" Kurt wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"No." Finn frowned and noticed everyone look at him questioningly, even Rachel looked a little hurt.

"I mean because I want our first time to be special. When we get back to New York I'm going to take her for a nice, romantic evening and see what happens. I don't want to rush this, Rachel is a very special girl and I want everything to be perfect." Finn explained and Rachel was impressed with how romantic Finn was.

"Aw, that's so sweet." Rachel smiled and gave him a quick kiss.

"Yeah, well done Finnessa." Both Santana and Puck chimed together. That's when they noticed everyone in the room staring at them.

"Shut up." Finn shouted back to them and everyone began to giggle. So far, this was perfect for Finn.

~Later that day~

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