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A/N Lexi Lakeman does not belong to me, she belongs to Saigelakeman.

  Starscream looks over his shoulder, hiding in the dark from the Autobot hunters. Never considered how right the girl is about Optimus. That’s when Starscream realizes being in a ‘group’ of other Cybertronians and a lone organic considerably gave him a new perspective on the Autobots. He recalled how Ivy compared their war to Anglo-Saxonism where they were superior to others as Decepticons thought Autobots protected the weak-vulnerable organics.  Organics who have epitheithiel tissues generally lacks blood vessels and classified according to their shapes, arrangements, and functions.

“I hate to tell you…Starscream.” Ivy dangled her small long athletic legs over a cliff like edge in the cybertronian rocky mountains. “Bu—“

            Starscream looks over to the girl, his attitude not really suited for a human.

            “What?” He growls.

            “Optimus is likely to kill you than just any other Autobot doing it.” Ivy stood up on her feet as the handle and a couple of rocks are being juggled at one.  She is seemingly multitasking two things at once. “He’s blood thirsty, you know, not the wise prime you expected to be who prefer saving lives and leaving the action to his troops. Optimus Prime is basically his brother, as Transfans claim Micheal Bay portrayed a total out of character prime. A noble prime—who’s really bloodthirsty.”

            Starscream bawked, almost like a chicken.“…False.”

            “As a friend, and adversary, watch who you underestimate.” Ivy accidently makes her intended objects hit Starscream right in his optics creating a good dent in the optic sensory.

            That girl left him incredibly speechless.

            “Starscream, I found something.” Shockwave said, coming from the darkness holding a stocky looking unconscious figure in his servos. “The crazy thing is, it was stalking my pet.”

            Starscream gets scared. He recognized the girl even from afar. Only one girl alone would be stalking a cyertronian animal out of the millions of humans out there who are nutcases thinking  aliens exist out in the open space, where indeed, aliens did roam. Killer aliens that is. As Loose connective Tissue is known to bind skin ton underline organs and fill spaces between the muscles, this is known others have researched it fairly well as Starscream knew her. More than adipose tissues found beneath skin and in the spaces between the muscles, which occurs around various organs and joints.

            “Ditch her, in plain sight for the Autobots!” He tells Shockwave in a whisper. “…Did you batter her up with butter?” Some kind of substance is all over her body, so the seeker   wiped his long claw like servo on the still remaining substance and then tasted It. He makes a fowl looking expression.            “…Ack. Root beer? You dumped root beer on her?”

            Reticular Connective Tissue is composed of thin, collegenous fibers arranged in a 3-Deminsional network that functions as a supporting tissue to the walls of the live, spleen, and various lymphatic organs. Cartilage provides framework and support for various body parts. It lacks a direct blood supply so this leads to slow healing following an injury, so this is why broken ankles take longer to heal unlike a bone. Cartilage cells, called chondrocytes, occupying small cambers in the intercellure matrix called lacunae Now if we look at Ivy’s body through some kind of lenses it’s safe to say, Asteon (or the haversian system), has been replaced by a different framework.  Like tough, robotic out of this world framework.

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