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I picked up the last picture before ripping it down the middle.

"People change. Feelings fade. Lovers drift. Friends become enemies."

This dumbass quote. Who would have ever thought that this would happen to me?

I had everything.

I was surrounded by people who loved me. The man of my dreams. The world's best friends.

But things can change faster than a snap of a finger. I just never thought all of that could happen to me in the span of one year.

But I guess it's for the best right?

When people walk away from you, let them go. Obviously, they weren't supposed to be in my future.

I put the pieces of each picture in a pile before setting them on fire and watched as the fire grew. I refused to cry. Within the last year, I'd shed tears over people who didn't give two fucks about me. And I was finally done. Done with the bullshit.

No longer was I going to let people use me, smile in my face, but behind my back doing some next shit. Nah, that shit will never happen again.

From now on it's all about Christian. My son. My world.

"Mama." I heard him call. I turned around to see him wobbling toward me with my phone in his hand. I smiled and pulled him into my lap.

I kissed his cheek and he giggled, deepening his dimples. I spent the last year hating Chris, but if there was one thing I was thankful for was that yellow nigga's features. Our son was blessed with beautiful eyes, dimples, and a stunning smile.

"Mama! Titi Ky!" He said referring to Kaya's picture on my screen. She, along with Melissa & Ashley had been calling me all day.

I took the phone from his small hands and rejected the call. I smiled shyly at him before picking him up. I put out the small fire and we walked back inside.

I put him in his high chair and grabbed the box of Honey Nut Cheerios and poured some into his bowl. "Nomm!" He said digging in. I giggled as I poured some into my bowl.

Ding Dong

I knitted my eyebrows and looked over at Christian. "Who could that be?" I asked him as if he could answer. I quickly went to open the front door.

Finally swinging it open, I instantly regretted it. "What do you guys want?" I sighed as I leaned against the door frame. "Look Madi, we just came to apologize." Kaya said. "Ain't shit to talk about." I shrugged. "Damn it, Madison. Why are you acting like such a bitch over something stupid?" Mel asked. I chuckled deviously. "Oh fuck, I'm sorry. This isn't the way I should be acting after my 'bestfriends' stab me in the back? I should just act like the shit didn't happen right?" I chuckled again. "You know what? Please just get the fuck off my property before I say something I really regret." I said before slamming the door in their faces.

I knew I had to see them later at Mama J's barbeque, but right now I didn't wanna see those bitches. I shook my head as I went back to my seat next to Christian. In the time I'd been gone he'd already thrown all the cereal out of his bowl, onto the floor. "Uh oh!" He gasped making me laugh.

I managed to clean up his mess and have a little breakfast before getting us both ready. I laid him  on the the bed before putting on his little Jordans and adjusting my boots. "Alright, chunky monkey. Let's go see daddy and grandma!" I said picking him up. We walked downstairs, I picked up his bag and my purse, locked the door and we were off.

Within 15 minutes, we were pulling into Mama J's already crowded driveway. I got Christian out of his car seat and slammed the door to the car. Of course I saw Kaya's Audi and her boyfriend's hummer parked outside so I knew they had gotten here already. I sighed before making my way up the driveway to knock on the door.

Big bird himself came to open the door as we mean mugged each other. "Little man!" he smiled as he took him out of my hands. "Dada!" Christian exclaimed before clapping his small hands together. Chris kissed his cheek and took his bag from me. I walked inside the house and closed the door.

I walked deeper into the house as I heard female voices, laughing loudly. None other than my ex friends and one other irrelevant bitch. "Madison, it's nice to see you again." she smirked. "I wish I could say the same, Kae." I smiled back. She chuckled. "You look a lot...bigger since the last time I saw you." "Yea, that's what happens when you have a baby. I can't say the same about you though. You look skinnier. What's wrong boo? Can't find any food in any near by dumpsters?" I said blinking innocently. "Bitch." she mumbled. "What was that?" I smirked.

"Ok, can you guys stop being childish for two seconds!" Ashley screamed. I smacked my lips and crossed my arms. "I really can't believe this is you Madison. You've changed." Mel said shaking her head. I looked at her she was crazy. "Me? I've changed? Was I the only that aborted Mijo's child because I didn't wanna ruin my body?" I screamed. Ashley and Kaya gasped as she looked at me with glossy eyes. "What?" I turned around to see a pissed Mijo.

"You bitch!" she screamed before charging at me.

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