Old Thangs & New Thangs

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Double tapping the picture of Mikaya and Madi, I quickly commented on the picture with the heart eyes. Although I didn't come around as much, I still loved my girls. We've been through so much together and I'll always have love for them.

Madi invited me to her small house warming get together last week, but I just couldn't go. Being around the friends that we share would have been awkward for me. All types of "why" questions would have been brought up and I really don't want to answer them.

Austin broke up with me three months ago. He told me he wasn't happy and he hasn't been for a while. Just like any relationship, we had our ups and downs- but he couldn't remember the last time there had been an up. He just felt like he had to stay just because.


"I just don't wanna do this shit anymore. I don't know when I started feeling like this, but I know I don't want to stay in this relationship." He sighed as he sat on the other side of the bed.

"We've been arguing so much in the past couple months and I'm tired of it. I feel like we're both holding on to something that ain't gonna get no better. So what the fuck we still with each other for?" He continued. "This shit is dead and there's no use in trying to hold on to it."

"Austin, I can- I know I've been a little selfish lately, but I can change. I swear!" I cried as I climbed into his lap. "Ashley, it's not that." He sighed. "Is it sex? We can try-" "Ashley, there is nothing you can change about yourself to make me stay. We both know we don't wanna do this anymore." He said as he pulled me off his lap and onto my bed.

We both? I didn't want this. He gave me no say so in this. The tears I was shedding, the pleas, the questions, the suggestions... Everything that ran across my brain to save us, he shot it down. He didn't ask me how I felt about any of it. He just let go of me.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled as he stepped out the room, out my front door, and ultimately- my life.

That was three months ago and I'm still crying, still heartbroken, and still not over him. Speaking of him, he's coming over today to get the last of his things. Thank God too, I'm tired of being reminded of him.

In all honesty, I want to move on with my life. I wanna be done with him like he obviously is with me, but for some reason, I can't. Maybe it's because we ended so abruptly without my input or maybe not.

The doorbell rang and my eyes doubled in size. He wasn't supposed to be here until 1. It was only 12:45. I rolled out of my bed and pulled my Nike work out pants and bra. "I'm coming!" I yelled as he started to bang on the door.

Huffing as I walked down the hall to the front door, I swung it open. "Damn girl." I heard Kaya screech. "I need my body to look like yours." Mel whined. "What are y'all doing here?" I laughed as they sauntered into the house. "We just wanted to see our favorite Nike model." Kaya smiled.

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