Kiss Cam

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"Shit!" I mumbled as I got Kaya's voicemail again. I don't know what happened, but it has to be something bad for her to be crying like that.

I sighed as I threw my phone back on the bed and gripped my towel tight. It was a little after 7 and I haven't even started getting ready yet. I sighed as I dried what was left of my wet skin and pulled panties.

I grabbed my lotion after plugging my phone in to charge. I clicked the Pandora app and tapped my J. Cole station, within seconds 'Who Dat?" blasted from my speakers. I nodded my head to the beat while moisturizing my skin.

After rubbing the last bit of lavender scented lotion into my skin, I wrapped my robe around myself and tied it in the center. As Pandora changed tunes, I sat at my vanity deciding what to do with myself. After a few minutes of messing around with my makeup & my hair, I decided on a tight bun with a light makeup and red lipstick.

After I was done, I began getting dressed. After sliding my jeans on, I wrapped my camo bustier and zipped it up. I groaned as I scanned my figure in the mirror. I turned to the side and adjusted it to stop it right before my belly button. "Maybe this is a bad idea." I thought out loud as I fiddled with the .

I was uncomfortable. No matter how much weight I've already lost, I still wasn't comfortable in my new skin. I was walking to my closet to find something else to wear, when my phone rang. Shit. It was exactly 8:00. Knowing it was Darius, I picked up my phone and answered quickly.

"Hello?" I said into the phone. "Hey Madison. I'm outside." I replied. "Oh, ok. I'll be down in a sec." We said our goodbyes and I groaned as I threw my phone on my bed. I walked out my room and cautiuosly down my stairs, to get to the door.

I took a deep breath and adjusted myself before I swung the door open. He was standing there, looking good as hell. He was dressed in a Givenchy top, with Camo pants, and some Yeezys. The awkward moment when we're matching unintentionally..

My smile matched his as we scanned over each other's appearance. "Hi." I said wide. "Wassup?" He said before licking his thick lips. I invited him inside and he took a seat on the couch. "You look beautiful." He said, still smiling. I subconsciecously looked down as my cheeks grew hot. "Thank you.I try." I replied to his compliment. We both chuckled and continued to stare each other down.

"You ready?" He asked. "Um, yeah. Let me just get my shoes and my bag. I'll be right back." I said snapping back to reality. I went back upstairs, quickly putting on my shoes and accessories. I threw my shit in my bag and grabbed my studded leather jacket from the rack, sprayed on some perfume, and I was on my way back downstairs.

"Ok. I'm ready." I said as I climbed off the last step. Darius smiled and held his hand out for me to grab. We walked out my house hand in hand, but before we left I locked my door. He helped me into his Mustang and shut the door before rushing over to the driver's side and climbing in.

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