Chapter 7

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          The sun was setting as I walked into my house. It was dead quiet, so quiet that even I swear someone could hear how fast my heart was beating. I tried my best to be quiet as I shut the door but I was sure that it still make a loud creaking noise as it closed.

          Turning towords the stairs I froze. The man that I call my dad was standing there, staring at me like I was insane. He had a bottle of vodka that I swore was full when I left this morning almost empty clutched in his right hand. His fingers were losening and tightening around the neck. I have a feeling that if I were that bottle, I would be dead.

          "Where the hell were you?" His lips were hard to read because of the slur that the strong alcohol gave him, but I still understood. He was mad, really mad, and I was the one that he was going to take it out on.

          "Uhm no where I had to do something after school, I didn't realize the time." I whispered, not trusting my voice. I looked down bracing myself for what I knew was going to come.

          Sure enough soon after I had said that I felt a blow to my face. Falling to the floor I let out a grunt of pain. I knew better than to make loud noises, I had learned that lesson. Slowly rising I let out a long painful breath. I knew that I was in for a long night.

          "You were going to leave me just like your mother did!" he spat, punching me in the stomach. the punch cause all of the air to fly out of my lungs, I gasped in pain. He hit my already bruised ribs. I fell back against the cool rough wall trying to catch my breath.

          "No I wasn't, I really lost track of time." I managed to gasp out, my ribs were burning and aching in pain. I was sure that one of them was broken.

          "Don't you fucking lie to me Lyric!" his voice was loud as it reached my ears, loud and clear.

          "Dad, really I-" I was cut off by his rough hands wrapping around my neck, blocking my airway.

          His eyes were cold, an icy grey blue that looked like he could see right into your soul, trying to find the things that might make you weak. My hands scratched at his as I tried to free myself, my eyes widening in fright as I realized that soon, I would not have enough oxygen to stay consious.He smiled at my panic and wrapped his hands tighter as he pulled me closer to him, so we were face to face. His breath reeked of alcohol.

          "I said don't lie to me Lyric. I know that you have been trying to leave me, probably whoring around too." his hand tighened once more before loosening and falling away from my neck as I collapsed to the floor, black spots clouding my vison.

          "Dad please, I'm not lying." I begged trying to get away.

          "Yeah that's what your mother always said, the lying bitch deserved what she got." his eyes were clouded with fury. The person that I was now facing was not my dad, he was the monster that hit my mother countless times, who forced her to leave.

          I gulped and waited for his next more. "Mom was a good person, it's you who should have been in that car, not her." my voice cracked with fear of what I imagined would happen next. I couldn't help it though, I had to defend the one person who always defended me.

          His eyes snapped to mine in anger and shock as he registered what I said. In the blink of an eye he had me pinned against the wall. I let out a small squeal of surprise and pain and my head smacked against the cement surface.

          He looked me dead in the eyes and smlied. "You look so much like her, so beautiful. Maybe you were sent to me by the angels, they know that I miss her, that I need her." he whispered looking dazed while his eyes roamed my body.

          Suddenly, he kissed me. His lips were on mine roughly, angrly the taste of vodka being forced into my mouth. My head jerked back as I tried to get away, banging against the wall once again. His greasy hands pulled roughly at my shirt tearing it in places, I had to get away, this wasn't happening, not to me. I felt like I was going to be sick as he reached his hands to my pants. I tried to pull away only to be pulled back roughly.

          I pulled back once more, ignoring the pain as my head smacked against the wall harder than the last few times. I moved to duck under his arm, rushing to the door only to have a hand grad at my hair and yank me back. I screamed not caring what would happen if he caught me, only caring of getting away. he let go in shock of the loud noise that came out of my mouth. Taking the chance, I darted back towords the door and opened it, only to have it shut right in my face.

          "Well now, that wasn't very nice." my father growled into my ear as he pushed me up to the door, his face only cenimeters away from mine. I knew what was going to happen next and I knew that I would not want to be awake when it happened.

          He trailed his hand up my shirt as I thought of the only thing that would make him punch me hard enough.

          "Go to hell." I said softly remembering my mom saying it to him, and him hitting her so hard she fell to the floor.

          He must have remembered it too. because rage and hurt filled his eyes and he whispered "Oh I am so going to have fun with you tonight."

          Then, everything went black.

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