Chapter 29

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Paige POV

After what happened at prom, I shut off all communication with Derek.

In fact, Alexis, Jordyn, Callie, and I all moved to a different table, so we didn't have to sit by him. This was Jordyn's idea. You would think he would sit by his guy friends.

It doesn't matter now. The seniors are officially done with school. We still have two weeks until we graduate.

Our softball team has made it to state. Our first game is tomorrow and regardless of if we win or lose, we will play Saturday. Hopefully it will be for 1st and 2nd not 3rd and 4th.

We are leaving now, so we can practice on the field and get checked into our hotel. Everyone is pumped to be here. I remember last year we lost in sectionals. The seniors wanted to lose so they could be out of here and not worry about anything until graduation. That isn't the case whatsoever this year.

Callie, Alexis, Jordyn and I are sharing a room. We have become a pack now. I mean you need to throw Jake in there every now and then.

Alexis is making me share a bed with her. She thinks Jordyn and I'll try to do stuff if we share a bed together. There is a time and place to have romantic time, but this isn't it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to pretend like we aren't dating. It's just not the place to screw around when someone's sister is in the room. I can be respectful.

Jake will be at my apartment tonight by himself. This will be the first time he stayed there alone. I was a little skeptical about it. It's not necessarily because it's him but trusting someone is hard. He hasn't given me any reason not to trust him. He will be here tomorrow. He is riding up with Alexis's mom and staying with her.

The location of the state tournament was close to where my mom lives. I doubt she will show up, but I told her about it.

Our school provided us with a charter bus to get to the hotel. How kind of them, right? Not so much. Our coach had to argue with them about it. I know it's not necessary and I could care less, but the football team takes one to EVERY away football game.

We get to the hotel and my mouth drops. This hotel was massive and it's right by the fields. The area was beautiful. We get inside and to our room. We are on the 20th floor. These elevators better not break. I don't want to do twenty flights of stairs.

Alexis and I called the bed close to the windows. We get our stuff out for our final softball practice. This is bittersweet.

While at practice, I couldn't get over how beautiful everything is. We only worked on fielding during practice. Coach wants us to get used to the surroundings. Behind the fence in the outfield was open land so it makes the field seem bigger than what it's. People don't realize in softball and baseball how the surroundings can play a part. When you are in a big open space, it feels like the field is bigger even if it's not. It can throw you off when there is a pop fly.

When practice is over, the coach gives people the option to go back to the hotel with him or stay for a bit with the assistant coach.

Callie, Alexis, Jordyn, and I stayed. Sam, the catcher, stayed as well. We decided to get some batting in. Callie pitched to us but only threw at sixty percent to save her arm. Everyone hits, but Jordyn at first. She keeps refusing.

"You need to practice." Alexis pushes Jordyn.

Jordyn tries fighting back, but she quickly realizes not to battle Alexis on this.

She walks up to the batter's box bickering. "This is pointless. I'm not going to get a hit in the game anyways."

Callie pitches to her and she misses every one of them badly. Jordyn's swing is ugly and looks awkward.

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