Don't Close Your Eyes

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A/N-- This is the revised chapter three. Enjoy and thank you for reading my work :) 


                        “Rise and shine, it’s Monday morning and it’s time for your 6am forecast...” I slap the alarm clock as I roll out of bed.

 It’s the first day back to school after summer vacation and my third grade class is going to be a rebellious group today. Well, at least I still have my job after yesterday’s fiasco. As long as I don’t lock my keys in the car again today I will definitely be off to a better start. OK, time to shower, dress, and slap on some makeup before I head to school.

            It’s warm, sunny days like these that I wish I had a convertible. The warm August breeze feels refreshing on my face. I can’t believe that summer is almost over. Soon, the leaves will be falling off of the trees and covering the yard in lovely shades of brown, orange, and red. I remember when Owen and I would rake up huge piles just to jump in. Ah, to be young and carefree like that again.

            The short drive to school was quiet. The school parking lot is about half full when I pull in. I’m glad I brought most of my supplies in yesterday. Today I only have to juggle just one box and my school bag. The cool breeze of the air conditioner hits my face as I enter the building.  The familiar scent of old books and disinfectant tickles my nose as I make my way through the hall.

            Walking these halls takes me back to my first day of third grade. Owen and I rode the bus together that day. I had my hair pulled back in my normal ponytail. I wore a hand- me- down jean skirt and a pink t-shirt. My mother didn’t believe in buying new school clothes for me as she said it was a waste of money. Instead I received my older cousin’s used clothes.

Owen, of course, had on a new pair of jeans and a nice dress shirt. I remember wishing that Owen’s parents would adopt me so I could have parents that actually cared.

            Seeing everyone in their new school clothes upset me so much that, when I returned home from school that day, I took scissors to all of my school clothes and threw them on the floor. I was hoping my Mom would buy me new clothes to replace all of them. But, instead, as a punishment my mother bought me one pair of jeans, a white t-shirt, and made me wear the same outfit every day. One afternoon my teacher showed up to the house and told her to buy me some new clothes. She even threatened to report her to child protection services. I loved that teacher.

            I duck into my classroom as a familiar male voice enters the hallway. The new science teacher that I met at one of the meetings over the summer has been constantly asking me to go out for coffee every time he runs into me. I hate to be rude and keep making excuses, but I don’t want to hurt his feelings because I have no interest in him at all. I carefully set my box on my desk, then take a deep breath. Bring on the wild ones. I chuckle.

Well, the first half of the day has been a trip so far. Tommy spat gum in Samantha’s hair and it was a pain to get it out. The girls’ hair goes down to her waist. I had to run down to the cafeteria during silent reading time to get peanut butter to get it out. So it’s day one and already one kid has detention.  Let’s pray there will be no more incidents after lunch.

I walk down to the cafeteria for the second time today in hope of getting something decent for lunch. The ladies already had a salad waiting for me in the fridge. I love those ladies; they always take care of me. I grab my salad and a bottle of water then head back to my classroom to eat in the peace and quiet.

            I stop in the doorway and notice something green sitting on my desk. What is that sitting on my desk?

“Is that a stuffed frog?” I mumble and look at my desk puzzled. It is a frog. Where the hell did it come from? Wait, there is a note attached to it.

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